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This is a guide for shrub roses, climbers and ramblers are pruned differently. Step 4 can be ignored as it's not necessary to remove the leaves. I would take a quarter or third off the top growth every year depending on how strong growing the rose is.
Great info! Thank you for sharing this. We're hoping to put a rose bush in the front flower bed this year so this will definitely come in handy, at least for the wife, soon!
That venus flytrap would be able to grow to be a giant in my chicken coop! 🤣

Seriously, though, have you ever known anyone to grow them outdoors? I only ever see them indoors and it seems like they last a short time then either die or get thrown out. Might be something worth researching sometime when I have time. Would be cool to be able to grow these on the back patio to help keep the flies down while we're just hanging out.
They're native to the swamps and bogs of North/South Carolina. They love that harsh environment and high humidity. I won't likely take mine out of the house to be honest. Yesterday I had to feed it a freeze dried meal worm. How crazy is that?