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What's happening in your garden today?

Hello, I've been busy busy busy. In my greenhouse, these are my peppers after 2 weeks. I've had amazing germination results thus far, nearly 100% with the exception of the Habanero (which I'm sure is a bad lot). I planted Santaka, Serrano, Jalapeno, Habanero, Thai, Ghost Pepper, Scotch Bonnet, Cayenne, California Wonder (Bell), Chocolate Candy Cane Peppers. Tomorrow is tomato day. I have selected 8 varieties of those as well. Pics coming.

Peppers 2 Week Germination (ALL).webp
I found the saw attachment supplied with my Fiskars telescopic pruner. I'd never used it. I even took the bracket for it, off the business end of the pruner as it got in the way when I was using it. Anyway, I taped it to a long pole and using a ladder to get to them, cut off some more quite thick branches off the silver birches.
Only a couple of the very top ones hang over our garden a bit.


The blade was surprisingly sharp. There's three full bins of branches, ready for collection tomorrow.
Still a lot more to clear, including some quite thick branches, which will need the chainsaw, (when it gets a new blade).
I think another two weeks of bin collections should see the job done and we can leave the garden nice and tidy.

We're not sure if the owner will ever comer home from hospital, due to his disability. As he has no family, he might end up in a care home.
Not really happening "in the garden", but we started work on our hydroponic strawberry stand today. I'll have photos to show off here soon, but forgot to take some while I was at the shop today. 🤦‍♂️
Hubby's pruning the roses, doing a few at a time. He's got some sort of cold in his throat but not tonsillitis, so I've told him to take a easy, the cold weather doesn't help.

When y'all prune, do you take them all the way back to a foot or two tall, or are you just pruning off some of the dead limbs and things? I've never grown roses before, but I have friends who cut theirs back to one to two feet tall every spring. They seem to do great and, by mid-summer have completely covered their lattice again and are full of beautiful blooms.
I've just adopted a venus flytrap and a jade plant.

That venus flytrap would be able to grow to be a giant in my chicken coop! 🤣

Seriously, though, have you ever known anyone to grow them outdoors? I only ever see them indoors and it seems like they last a short time then either die or get thrown out. Might be something worth researching sometime when I have time. Would be cool to be able to grow these on the back patio to help keep the flies down while we're just hanging out.
It was sunny for part of the day which made it warmer, but it was cold when it went in.
Presently only +6c.

So I did nothing other than 5 loads of washing. Not that there was much to do in the garden.

I've ordered a new pedestal mixer tap for the kitchen sink. The present one has gone rather stiff. It should arrive tomorrow or Friday.
"Just another of many jobs."
Sounds like me. Every time my wife or mom ask me to do something I just tell them "I'll put it on the list", which they know means it may never get done. 🤣
The words I dread to hear are, "What I thought was..." What follows could be any sort of task.

Eight years ago we had a new replacement combi boiler installed to the kitchen we had fitted some twelve years previously.

So we went from this.


To this.


I was asked, "Do I get a new kitchen?"

The reply was, "No chance, I'll fix it."

So I did.


The next was a couple of years ago.

"You don't need that little breakfast bar really, do you? You never use it."


(I didn't use it, as she always had stuff on it!)

"What I thought was, we could have another cupboard. I know the firm that fitted the kitchen closed down, but you could make one. You sorted out the boiler, didn't you?"

So I did that too.


The last job, was last year when we needed the toilet I fitted 25 years ago as part of a new bathroom suite, was beginning to show its age
So I changed it for a rimless one. That was the easiest job of the lot.

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Been sifting Compost for Potting Soil.

Put some on Garden need to put some on Raised Beds.

Got Cabbage and Petunias coming up.

Going to get second opinionat to do with me on my Cancer.

Was going to a Holistic Herblist but Doctor today said there is no way I can do as she wants because I've already went too far.

Probably go back on Chemo.

big rockpile
Sorry to hear that @big rockpile! Hopefully they'll be able to get something figured out for you so you can keep on sifting that compost!

So you just sprinkle it on top like a top dressing or are you mixing it in with what's already there deep down?