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What's happening in your garden today?

Pulled up my onions which only did so-so but are still edible.

Doh! This reminds me that I forgot to take pictures of our onions. We pulled the white onions on Saturday. Will probably do the red (purple) onions this coming weekend. They still haven't all fallen over just yet but they're getting close.

Yours look fine to me. I bet they still taste delicious!
Lots of them were very thick necked, a few shot bulbs off the sides and some never grew at all. I started with seed bulbs. I can blame some of it on the weather, but I think I planted them too closely, and did something wrong with fertilization.

Quite a few of the ones in the picture still look good though. We had some really small ones too but, like you, I'm betting they'll still eat the same.

This is all a live and learn kind of thing for a lot of us I think. We had a good year with everything except our tomatoes and okra. I'm not sure if they were planted too close together. Maybe too much water. Maybe not enough (doubtful with all the rain). Could be that the soil needs something we don't have for those veggies. Next year, we'll do something different and see what happens. Maybe sometime we'll get it figured out to where everything grows good.
We received a little shower today and the Sunn Hemp cover crop sprang to life...after only three days in the ground!! No kidding you can almost watch it grow.

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One month ago it was barely seedlings. Today, the Sunn Hemp is on average 48 inches tall and masks out everything else in sight. In another month it will be over 100 inches tall.

sunn hemp at one month.webp
I worked on my shade garden early this morning. It was relatively cool due to the overcast skies so, I dug up my poor, struggling hostas, (7 of them), got rid of the old, wornout compost underneath and added a couple shovelsfull of fresh stuff.

Then my boston ferns, which I had 2 small plants of in 2020, had taken over most of the area they had been planted in, so I dug up a lot of them and spread them around to help fill up the shade garden . A few small ones I transplanted into pockets at the base of an oak.

After that I dug up my Japanese painted ferns (3 of them), and replenished them with new compost as well. Then it got too hot around noon, so after watering and mulching everything in, I finally quit.
what are you going to do with them

We've made over 60 jars of pickles! The rest of them we've given to friends and family who want them to make pickles, or just to eat, too. I'd say there have been close to 100 jars of pickles made from cucumbers out of our garden this year. Probably could've been more but we let the plants go. We got all we needed for the year and gave all we could give away. Now we're just getting the ground ready for the fall garden, which we'll put in here in a few weeks!
We've made over 60 jars of pickles! The rest of them we've given to friends and family who want them to make pickles, or just to eat, too. I'd say there have been close to 100 jars of pickles made from cucumbers out of our garden this year. Probably could've been more but we let the plants go. We got all we needed for the year and gave all we could give away. Now we're just getting the ground ready for the fall garden, which we'll put in here in a few weeks!
'Scuse me young man, where is my jar then? They still haven't arrived, and I've been watching out for the postman since the end of last month :rolleyes:.......and I thought you were my friend 🥺