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What's happening in your garden today?

Traded 50 sweet potato slips for and 5 pint of stewed tomatoes for a truck bed full of manure.

Planted last bed of Sweet potatoes

picked enough Asparagus and peas for dinner. Mizuna salad also.

We are going no meat every other day and just eating garden food.
Well, looks like the drip system supplies are delayed in shipping so they won't be here until Monday. I guess instead of working in the garden this weekend, I'll have time to finish up the chicken coop.

I'm sure the chickens will be glad to have a proper roosting area instead of having to roost on top of the chick pen. Of course, they may continue to roost on the chick pen, too, unless I put something on it to prevent it. 🤦‍♂️
Pulled up all of the dying leaves of the hyacinths and put them in the compost bin.
That's the big problem with flower bulbs isn't it. We need to leave the leaves on to allow the energy to go back down to the bulb for further displays, but they become so untidy. A good way to overcome this problem is to plant decorative bulbs in nice big pots. They can then be placed in the garden where you want them to flower, and be removed and put behind the shed (or any corner out of sight) to die back without interference.:)
We received a little shower today and the Sunn Hemp cover crop sprang to life...after only three days in the ground!! No kidding you can almost watch it grow.

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Now we are getting to the point where the Sunn Hemp really takes off...and does its thing to the garden soil.

It hit an average of 5 inches in height today and I'd bet it will double that within a week. Why is this even interesting...because it is the foundation for the next generation of crops from my garden.

sunn hemp 3IMG_1501.webp
Now we are getting to the point where the Sunn Hemp really takes off...and does its thing to the garden soil.

It hit an average of 5 inches in height today and I'd bet it will double that within a week. Why is this even interesting...because it is the foundation for the next generation of crops from my garden.

View attachment 433
based on your info, i did sunn hemp last year for first time. it grows so fast. chop drop and even in MD I got a 2nd growth out of it.

It is the perfect thing to grow after early Potatoes in md
Our cucumber vines are getting much larger than we anticipated. They're trying to reach in and suffocate the squash, the okra, and even each other! The good news is, no weeds where those things are! :ROFLMAO:

Watermelon vines are growing pretty fast too. We're doing our best to train them to the empty side of the garden plot but they so bad want to be where the okra is!

Finally, everything we put under the drip irrigation (sweet potatoes, zucchini, cantaloupe, and tomatillos) are all doing fantastic! I suspect we'll have zucchini within a day or so and I'll be very surprised if we don't have cantaloupe within the month as well.
After some good rain last week we spent most of this morning pulling weeds and clearing out some tomato plants that are already done producing.

Then we spent the rest of the morning picking some wild plums. Not necessarily on the garden but they'll make us some dang good wild plums jelly.

Spent all afternoon cleaning out the chicken coop and bought some more egg layers to add to the mix. Cute little things but gonna have to wait close to four months before they give us any eggs.
My very first experiment in HK had been invaded by rodents, I was thinking I must do something about it, but this morning discovered the badger had solved the problem by largely dismantling it, and presumably eating the occupants. Spent some time clearing up, there is some way to go yet, potting up the uprooted plants as I go. He had also forced an entry to th strawberry cage. Bother!