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After a week and a half of summer weather - probably the total for this year, the weather is going down hill and into autumn. A mixture of sunshine, wind and rain for the last few days with temperatures down to around 15C/59F.
What I wouldn't give for it to be going into autumn here. It has been 94-96 F for the last 5 days and autumn won't even peek around the corner at us until October, if we're lucky, that is.
That's much too hot for me Anniekay. What is your location? It would be helpful if you could place it in your avatar box please. Anything above 20C/68F makes me feel uncomfortable.

Having said that after a thunderstorm early this morning ( a rare occurrence here) it has been a sunny, humid, calm day with the temperature at 21C/70F.
Just another beautifully dry day headed at us as I watch the sun come up. It is hard to describe how penetrating the humidity of summer can be here. Definitely noticing fall is in the air.
Lots of dark clouds here, but nowhere near enough rain for the ground yet. It seems to rain all around us here on the top of the north downs but mostly we see the clouds all around near the coast while the sun stays in charge here in the centre. I don't think we're in danger of flooding!
Here we have had cloud cover and just very light intermittent rain (more like stingy mist) that has barely totalled 3/4" all week. Not a drop of sunshine since Monday. I'm losing my tan !! No sunshine is predicted until this coming Thursday. I'm starting to think something untoward is afoot!!

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