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Now I'm in @Meadwlark's shoes here today. Only I am East of the Gulf of Mexico and East of Tallahassee fl by about 50 miles.

That Tropical Storm Debby is headed right through my town and predicted to strengthen to a hurricane over night.

We just had a rare hurricane come through last November which took out my 125 yr old Pecan tree. We hadn't had a hurricane come thru here for 103 years !! Dang climate change !!

So, I put up everything that might fly and am hunkering down for 3 days of rain. They predict we will get 10-20 inches. Ughhhh.
I went out in the garden and picked all my pole beans, and other veg, even the small ones because the hurricane winds are going to annihilate it all. Also picked all the zinnias and other flowers in bloom because if it's as bad as last November, all of them will be broken and flattened. Also took Cousin It inside.

Now we have pouring rain and are under a tornado watch and the dang storm isn't even near yet !! 😣😣😣
I went out in the garden and picked all my pole beans, and other veg, even the small ones because the hurricane winds are going to annihilate it all. Also picked all the zinnias and other flowers in bloom because if it's as bad as last November, all of them will be broken and flattened. Also took Cousin It inside.

Now we have pouring rain and are under a tornado watch and the dang storm isn't even near yet !! 😣😣😣
Good luck Annie.... will be thinking of you.
So far so good. Lots of rain, I have 4" in the rain gauge so far and plan on running out and dumping it when it gets to the top 😆 . Lots of wind, electric gone out a number of times but come back on within half an hour. City trucks are running around repairing things quickly.

The worst started around 4am and we're due to have rain and wind through today and all day tuesday. My Alphonse Karr clumping bamboo is LOVING it!! I swear it's new culms have grown another 4"-6" since yesterday !! I'll probably need a boat to get to town on wednesday though.

But my 12' tall sunflower hit the ground at about 8 am. Not too bad for being held up by one skinny little 6' stick. Stick's still upright, though.😁
Thank you all for all the kind good wishes. Electric went out at 10:30 am and there were so many trees down on the electric lines around
town that they didn't it back on in my area until 7 pm. Water went out also but thank God for being a Gardener, I had plenty in the rain barrells for toilet flushing !!😆
Note to self: Next stove I get will be gas, propane !! It was pure h-e double hockey sticks going without my coffee. I can suffer through no TV but coffee is a must !!

No serious damage but I have lots of big branches that I'll need the chain saw for and all sorts of others down all over the half acre. The little twigs are the worst part since I need to blow them into piles and pick them up by hand. Good thing I got a new bigger wheelbarrow. 😆
And my Ce'cile Brunner rambling rose trellis flew apart so, that'll be first on the agends because I can't get into my potting shed where all my tools are, she's blocked the roll up door completely.
@Anniekay it looks like you still have some trees left! Go careful with that chain saw for goodness sake. A mate of mine put one of those through his hand, and he is an experienced tree surgeon. We don't want you having an accident!! :eek:
@Anniekay it looks like you still have some trees left! Go careful with that chain saw for goodness sake. A mate of mine put one of those through his hand, and he is an experienced tree surgeon. We don't want you having an accident!! :eek:
Don't worry a bit. I worked on horse farms and trained horses for a living. If I can get a thousand pound animal to do as I say, a chain saw will not be a problem !! 😆😆😆
Meanwhile it's still a bit misty, showery off and on and quite breezy so I will be holding off on clean up until tomorrow when the weather is due to be clear.
Don't worry a bit. I worked on horse farms and trained horses for a living. If I can get a thousand pound animal to do as I say, a chain saw will not be a problem !! 😆😆😆
Meanwhile it's still a bit misty, showery off and on and quite breezy so I will be holding off on clean up until tomorrow when the weather is due to be clear.
Ok, but you can never be too careful. My tree surgeon friend would have said a similar thing, but look what happened to him. 🥴
The weather cleared up as to the rain, still breezy but not too bad. I decided to clear my Cecile Brunner rose and her trellis out of the way of the potting shed door. She's now trimmed back drastically. Lots of branches were split, broken, or otherwise damaged. She's now set to be espalliered to my potting shed. IMG_20240806_172853_kindlephoto-83113877.webp

I would have that done but my drill wouldn't run. Ordered a new one off Amazon so, if it arrives Friday, I'll be getting on with that. I had to prop her up, she's quite top heavy.

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