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Cucumber Recall

Many years ago I used to visit my Brother who lived in Ibiza, Spain. I was very carefull about what I ate and drank, the tap water wasn't safe so I only drank bottled water, I even checked that the ice used in drinks was made from bottled water before drinking any in drinks. I cooked all my own food and avoided salads.

I then came down with a 4 day case of gastro enteritis that I should have sought medical help for, it was really painful and even the charcoal tablets I took were going straight through me in less than an hour.

The only thing I could think of that I'd eaten that day was a melon. Thought that would have been safe but then I found out later that melons were imported from Africa at the time where they were injected with ditch water to make them weigh more.
Everything is in the soil, more so than in the air. Salmonella, E Coli, Coronavirus, the Plague. Proper sanitation or just plain old washing off your produce is the only way to protect yourself even if you grow your own stuff. Yes more than likely it is in your soil too.
leafy greens with no cooking killing stage of prep are a huge route for food bourn illness. Current practice is to harvest large areas and treat all the greens at the same time in the same water so cross contamination is going to sweep anything bad from one area into the whole lot and the machinery used to harvest. So one ditch spill way effects several states worth of produce.

I've moved to growing what I can for lettuce and spinach because of this.

Herbs like cilantro get a vinegar bath before a rinse. Maybe that doesn't do anything but that's what I try.
The first time I smoked a real Cuban Cigar was in Cozumel Mexico. I think it was the second day my wife was ill and I was bored at the resort. We were young and not long married. We had been to see the pyramids and the ball courts where losing meant your team was sacrificed. Before we really got on the road from the tourist area of resorts our van stopped in the old town of Cozumel for a breakfast brunch and I understand she had a salad. I think I mentioned she never met a salad she did not like, but should probably bring that back inside the US border because she suffered from that one.
I don't grow any vegetables so have to rely on what I buy. For many years I've made a point of rinsing all vegetables and fruit before it's eaten and so far have had no ill effects.