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Straight Eight Cucumber

Straight Eight Cucumber


Well-known member
Staff member
North Texas
Hardiness zone
Mike submitted a new garden item:

Straight Eight Cucumber - Sweet and mild; perfect for salads or dipping.

This is one of the most popular cucumbers in North America, and has been for quite some time. You can plant these cucumbers on the ground, but they'll also grow very well on a trellis (or cattle panel, fence, etc).

This cucumber should be planted in full sun and in well-draining soil. It's recommended to plant these cucumbers at 3 week intervals so you can get fresh cucumbers all season long.

A fairly large cucumber, as the name implies, these cucumbers are perfectly picked at around 8...

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What exactly is the purpose of this database? How exactly does this database work? I'm assuming it is a running encyclopedia style database, user submitted, based on what we are planting at the time, or have planted, or just have firsthand intimate knowledge about?

Scenario: I find myself with straight eight cucumber plants but don't know anything about them.
Action: Search the database...?

If this is the case, will there be a user submitted notes/tips portion of the database?
What exactly is the purpose of this database? How exactly does this database work? I'm assuming it is a running encyclopedia style database, user submitted, based on what we are planting at the time, or have planted, or just have firsthand intimate knowledge about?

Scenario: I find myself with straight eight cucumber plants but don't know anything about them.
Action: Search the database...?

If this is the case, will there be a user submitted notes/tips portion of the database?
Yes, exactly! I submitted this one as a bit of a test but I'll add more information about this cucumber when I can.

Think of it like a Wikipedia but just for garden vegetables, flowers, pests, etc.

Also, having these threads attached to each database item should help provide even more information, a place for questions, etc.
If I had some of my own entries, how would I submit them to you? When making them, I would obviously utilize the same outline pattern for continuity (for lack of a better word). Or is this a solo pet project? Either way is cool.
If I had some of my own entries, how would I submit them to you? When making them, I would obviously utilize the same outline pattern for continuity (for lack of a better word). Or is this a solo pet project? Either way is cool.

You can add them directly to the database yourself. Hopefully tomorrow, I do plan on adding a "tutorial" on how to add things to the database. For now, though, you can just go to the garden database main page and click on "Add garden item". That will bring up a form for adding the necessary information.

I do them, basically, like a research paper, just gathering all the info I can about the veggies and jotting down notes then compiling it into a short, to the point, write-up. For now, I'm just doing all the veggies I plan on adding to the garden this year, since I want to know everything about them anyways. Once done, I'm sure I'll expand into other things that I'd consider growing. After that I guess I'll just see where we're at and fill in where I can. Of course if anyone asks questions about specific varieties on the site, that will give me another reason to compile all the info I can for them, and add it for easy reading for anyone.

But anyways, definitely not just a solo project. I'm actually hoping for some help on it. Might take me the better part of the rest of my life to get this done for even the most popular of vegetable varieties. The hope is to also add in fruits, herbs, maybe even garden pests, and pollinators.