It's nearly 10.30am. The temperature is 0c. it's very frosty out but with clear blue skies. We've had a lot of rain in the last few days and more promised for the week-end.
My golf course is closed as it's too wet, not that I was intending to play before the middle of next week.
There's nothing I need to do in the garden and the shed and garage are tidy. I've some shopping to do, but that's about it. I'm presently watching tennis from Australia on TV.
It's now 3.00pm.
The temperature is up to +3c. now and it's still sunny. So although I wasn't going to do anything, I pruned the last two wisterias on the back of the house.
Yes, I needed the ladder, My wife reluctantly said I could because I told her, if I didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. It didn't take that long.
More rain, low temperatures and possibly snow is forecast for the week-end.
I also gave the two main patios a dose of "Wet n' forget."
My reasoning being that it, plus the low temperatures expected tonight, should kill off anything on them.
I also gave all the roses a dose of Sulphur rose. There's a lot of tiny shoots on them and I want to get ahead of any black spot. A vain hope as we always get some roses affected.