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What's happening in your garden today?

Started working on my Greenhouse getting it ready.

Found a paper on starting Petunias and according to it in order to have them blooming by early Spring I need to order seed.

Found my Soil PH meter so I played with it a bit. Found my Soil Mix has proper PH.

Have some stuff I thought I could use but found wouldn't work and I will never use it and I have no idea what to do with it.

Tiered tomorrow I will have another go at it.

big rockpile
If it's compostable you can add it to your piles or if it's not, Goodwill stores take just about anything you want to donate.
If it's compostable you can add it to your piles or if it's not, Goodwill stores take just about anything you want to donate.
I don't know. 10 gallon Potato Bags, couple Block Makers and some starting Trays. I have others I like better.

Got some Cardboard but I will use it for my Worms and to put between my rows in my Garden.

big rockpile
I don't know. 10 gallon Potato Bags, couple Block Makers and some starting Trays. I have others I like better.

Got some Cardboard but I will use it for my Worms and to put between my rows in my Garden.

big rockpile
I do the same with my cardboard; I put it between my raised beds because I can't mow in there with the 42" riding mower since I spaced the raised beds just 35" apart. just wide enough to fit my wheelbarrow.
Today I picked broccoli, a radish, some lettuce and removed some bottom leaves from my brussel sprouts. Those are coming along but not big enough to pick yet. Then I weeded those beds.

That's it. Now I have my lunch salad that I'm adding store tomatoes, onions and cucumbers to then a blue cheese dressing on top. 😊
It's nearly 10.30am. The temperature is 0c. it's very frosty out but with clear blue skies. We've had a lot of rain in the last few days and more promised for the week-end.

My golf course is closed as it's too wet, not that I was intending to play before the middle of next week.

There's nothing I need to do in the garden and the shed and garage are tidy. I've some shopping to do, but that's about it. I'm presently watching tennis from Australia on TV.

It's now 3.00pm.

The temperature is up to +3c. now and it's still sunny. So although I wasn't going to do anything, I pruned the last two wisterias on the back of the house.
Yes, I needed the ladder, My wife reluctantly said I could because I told her, if I didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. It didn't take that long.

More rain, low temperatures and possibly snow is forecast for the week-end.

I also gave the two main patios a dose of "Wet n' forget."

My reasoning being that it, plus the low temperatures expected tonight, should kill off anything on them.
I also gave all the roses a dose of Sulphur rose. There's a lot of tiny shoots on them and I want to get ahead of any black spot. A vain hope as we always get some roses affected.
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Today I figured out how much water it took to fully flood my cannabis plants. Mixed fert for all the things. Trimmed my lone surviving cherry tomato plant from winter. Trimmed the dragon tree and propagated some wandering jews. (propagated, not persecuted!)
Today I figured out how much water it took to fully flood my cannabis plants. Mixed fert for all the things. Trimmed my lone surviving cherry tomato plant from winter. Trimmed the dragon tree and propagated some wandering jews. (propagated, not persecuted!)

Everything we planted for the fall is completely dead with the exception of a few lone purple cabbage plants but they're not growing. I'm guessing the last frost set them back. Do you know the proper name for the Wandering Jew flowers? I had a co-worker who called it that, and that's what we call it at work (we have a lot of it growing), but several people around here call it Purple Heart.