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What's happening in your garden today?

Cleaned up the gladioli corms, a lot of them had tiny babies.
You will have to take good care of those Logan. They will all need little bonnets, and a nice little nursery bed to grow big and strong like their mummies - then you'll have a host of gladioli. 🤗
I lost all of my gladioli in the frost - I suppose I should have dug them up - and the poor dahlias met the same fate ☹️
You will have to take good care of those Logan. They will all need little bonnets, and a nice little nursery bed to grow big and strong like their mummies - then you'll have a host of gladioli. 🤗
I lost all of my gladioli in the frost - I suppose I should have dug them up - and the poor dahlias met the same fate ☹️
I'm so sorry to hear you lost your glads @Tetters and your Dahlias !! That makes me sad just to think about it. 😢
Although it's quite cold, it's dry. I fed the birds, then got into this
Amber clematis and jasmine. The latter never stops growing through the summer, it'd be several feet above the height of the fence if I didn't prune it.


There were a lot of fallen leaves, in the bed of cyclamen, I had to get out.


There were a lot of fallen thin branches under next door's silver birches, that I'd pruned off last week and the wind brought down.
Although it's quite cold, it's dry. I fed the birds, then got into this
Amber clematis and jasmine. The latter never stops growing through the summer, it'd be several feet above the height of the fence if I didn't prune it.


There were a lot of fallen leaves, in the bed of cyclamen, I had to get out.


There were a lot of fallen thin branches under next door's silver birches, that I'd pruned off last week and the wind brought down.
If you are feeding the birds, you have good camera skills, why not show us which birds frequent your garden on the new bird thread? :)
2"If you are feeding the birds, you have good camera skills, why not show us which birds frequent your garden on the new bird thread? :)

There's only common garden birds. "Bert and Brenda, "one of three pairs of blackbirds. "Rocky," the robin, a little flock of sparrows.
and some blue tits,

There's also a couple of wood pigeons the size of chickens, which we discourage.
The smaller birds are quite sociable.

"Save water, bath with a friend."


"You talkin' to me?"


The bird feeder is under these tightly packed azaleas, which have a fence round it and some wire. Nothing bigger than a blackbird can get in. It's also where we have a hedgehog house. It has two gaps in the wire through which it can get in and out.

I've been outside removing all the annual vines from my fence and found a green Anole lizard amongst the leaves. I accidentally picked him up by the tail along with the leaves but he was not active due to it being only around 60 degrees outside so he didn't struggle and still has his tail !!😃
I did a bit this afternoon, more wiring of the acer palmatums and the trunk of the mimosa. There was fine rain in the air, so I couldn't collect leaves as it was too damp. The first of my security lights came on at 2.30pm. So I came in.

In other news...

I've just had an e-mail to tell me, in my golf club's regular Wednesday Stableford competitions, I came first in my division this week. I was three points better than any of the forty other competitors.

The good news is that I've won £35. (again), It's the third time I've won this year.

The bad news, is that the money gets added to my account at the pro shop. So I'll have to spend it in there. But there's hardly ever anything I want. I'll just let it ride, until hopefully, there's enough to pay for a new driver.

I felt quite pleased with myself as since she came out of hospital and is less mobile than she was before, I've cut down the number of times I play a week from three to once, until she improves.
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I did a bit this afternoon, more wiring of the acer palmatums and the trunk of the mimosa. There was fine rain in the air, so I couldn't collect leaves as it was too damp. The first of my security lights came on at 2.30pm. So I came in.

In other news...

I've just had an e-mail to tell me, in my golf club's regular Wednesday Stableford competitions, I came first in my division this week. I was three points better than any of the forty other competitors.

The good news is that I've won £35. (again), It's the third time I've won this year.

The bad news, is that the money gets added to my account at the pro shop. So I'll have to spend it in there. But there's hardly ever anything I want. I'll just let it ride, until hopefully, there's enough to pay for a new driver.

I felt quite pleased with myself as since she came out of hospital and is less mobile than she was before, I've cut down the number of times I play a week from three to once, until she improves.
That's very impressive @Sean Regan to win a division championship on only practicing once a week !! 👍
I hope your wife continues to get better !!
I only fed the birds this morning and had a check on my activities yesterday.

This was our new mimosa last year in March.


I bought it a much sturdier dowel support and pruned off the top, as I didn't want it to grow too tall.
This is today.


You can see where I pruned off the top. I expect it could have been a few feet taller now, if I hadn't.


The trunk started off much thinner than its 1" dowel support.


The acer palmatums are now an improved shape with their tempiorary netting and more wire.



This one still has a lot of dead wood in it, but that will be gone by Spring. Since having had its pruning, the foliage will start off a bit "gappy" as last year, but it'll have filled the gaps by June.
