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What's happening in your garden today?

Too wet for gardening, but I've been busy. The new dishwasher packed up over the week-end after just a month's use. I phoned Bosch first thing and told them I wasn't well pleased. It must have embarrassed them, as they are sending an engineer first thing in the morning. I hope they can fix it, as at the moment, it is as dead as a dodo. If it has to be replaced, that could take a week.

Then I had to ring my car insurance company. Why do they always try it on, at renewal? They'd put it up by 25%. I was armed with several other quotes.
I settled for a 7% increase.

On Saturday I collected a tuner/amp I bought on eBay, it's just a spare and I'll use it in my "office" our box-bedroom. It's to replace my other spare, which is getting a bit tired. A Leak 2000.


It's younger but still over 40 years old. It's a Leak 3400.

Of course nothing for me ever seems easy. It's wider than the previous one, the speakers would not have fitted either side. So I had to by a new length of shelving and swop them over. Harder to do than some might think. Needed a bit of fettling to change them.


Hello Dirt, I wondered where you'd gone. Here's a little picture of me wondering ...:unsure:...
When the weather has been totally ''in the doldrums'' for a whole week, we just have to talk about anything we can think of really, to try and keep the shop open.
Wrong place wrong time as usual but this headline describes my current garden. Not for long though since I have a couple of ziploc bags full of marigold seeds.

Just hearing about two packets of marigold seeds certainly lifts the spirits! 😁🌞🌞🌻😎
The Bosch engineer came at 8.00 am this morning. I explained that I'd checked the fuse and it was OK. He attempted to turn on the machine and of course nothing happened, no lights, nothing.

He pulled out the machine from under the counter top and noticed it was plugged in to a double 13amp socket, the second socket is for the washing machine. He un-plugged that and plugged in the dishwasher into the same socket. The machine came on!
He said the socket must have burned out.

This must be a common problem, for him to determine the fault so quickly.

Now this double socket has been there for well over a decade and we sometimes have the washing machine and the dishwasher on at the same time, as we did on Sunday. The only difference was that I usually have the dishwasher on "Express" a 1hr 35m programme. as we rinse off everything before it goes in. But on Sunday, I put it on "intensive" (2.5hrs) for the first time. It stopped working halfway through the programme. I guess the fact that the heaters in both machine would have both been on together and the "dishy" one for longer than usual.

He said that with heaters in both machines working, sometimes one of the sockets fail.
But it didn't blow the fuse nor trip the mini breaker that protects the kitchen power ring main. He was in the house for less than five minutes.

So I went out and bought a new double socket from my local electrical wholesaler.
I removed the old socket and could see no evidence of burning, discolouration, or melting of any of the wires where they enter the terminals at the back of the socket, or any tracking on the metal back box.
So I just fitted the new socket and plugged both machines in again. They were then "good to go."
To be safe, in future, we won't be using the dishwasher and washing machine at the same time.
The new double socket cost me less than £4.
The Bosch engineer came at 8.00 am this morning. I explained that I'd checked the fuse and it was OK. He attempted to turn on the machine and of course nothing happened, no lights, nothing.

He pulled out the machine from under the counter top and noticed it was plugged in to a double 13amp socket, the second socket is for the washing machine. He un-plugged that and plugged in the dishwasher into the same socket. The machine came on!
He said the socket must have burned out.

This must be a common problem, for him to determine the fault so quickly.

Now this double socket has been there for well over a decade and we sometimes have the washing machine and the dishwasher on at the same time, as we did on Sunday. The only difference was that I usually have the dishwasher on "Express" a 1hr 35m programme. as we rinse off everything before it goes in. But on Sunday, I put it on "intensive" (2.5hrs) for the first time. It stopped working halfway through the programme. I guess the fact that the heaters in both machine would have both been on together and the "dishy" one for longer than usual.

He said that with heaters in both machines working, sometimes one of the sockets fail.
But it didn't blow the fuse nor trip the mini breaker that protects the kitchen power ring main. He was in the house for less than five minutes.

So I went out and bought a new double socket from my local electrical wholesaler.
I removed the old socket and could see no evidence of burning, discolouration, or melting of any of the wires where they enter the terminals at the back of the socket, or any tracking on the metal back box.
So I just fitted the new socket and plugged both machines in again. They were then "good to go."
To be safe, in future, we won't be using the dishwasher and washing machine at the same time.
The new double socket cost me less than £4.
Trouble is, the trip should have gone off in the consumer unit!!!! I really think it would be wise to have a reputable electrician come in and check your entire wiring system. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry.
Trouble is, the trip should have gone off in the consumer unit!!!! I really think it would be wise to have a reputable electrician come in and check your entire wiring system. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry.

The house was rewired by a qualified engineer, twenty years ago.

For the fuse to blow, there would have to have been a short to earth in the machine or cable. For the mini breaker to trip, there would have to have been a short to earth within the socket. There was neither. It couldn't have been in the wiring to the socket, or else the other half of the socket would have stopped working. I explained I could see no evidence of a short, which puzzled me. The other half of the socket was still working, so there was just a loss of continuity in one side of the socket due to an unsustainable load. As the engineer said. "It happens."
Hello Dirt, I wondered where you'd gone. Here's a little picture of me wondering ...:unsure:...
When the weather has been totally ''in the doldrums'' for a whole week, we just have to talk about anything we can think of really, to try and keep the shop open.

Just hearing about two packets of marigold seeds certainly lifts the spirits! 😁🌞🌞🌻😎
OH NO. Not packets. Looks about 1 quart ziplock bag size. Hopefully more than I need. I really hate running out at the end of a row or when I broadcast. That never happens right?
OH NO. Not packets. Looks about 1 quart ziplock bag size. Hopefully more than I need. I really hate running out at the end of a row or when I broadcast. That never happens right?
ROWS? Why do you plant them in rows? I have always grown them to dot about in the flower garden, but don't know of anyone growing them in huge quantities. It rather sounds as if I have something to learn now :unsure: You don't eat them do you?
It's rained on and off for a couple of days. There are leaves that need collecting, but few have fallen yet from the several wisterias. I'll give it a week and then start stripping some more. But on the first dry day next week, I'll collect a lot of next door's silver birch leaves that have fallen into our garden.

I'm only certain that one of the three hedgehog houses is occupied.

This one under the azaleas next to the patios, but the resident has not triggered the camera for two weeks since it last went in.


So next week, I'll check the other two and if they are vacant, I'll put them in the shed having removed the bedding and cleaned them out and I'll let them dry out over the winter.

I've brought this acer palmatum Taylor now it has shed its leaves, into the freezer/storeroom in the back of the garage, as I did last year.


Two others we'd had before it over the past six years did not survive the low temperatures experienced in the winter.
I wonder if the Acers in pots could be more vulnerable to frost as the roots are more exposed than the ones in the ground - although, I know the frost will definitely damage tender new growth :unsure:
It is disappointing that only one of the hog houses is occupied. It seemed definite that two were, that's why you bought the third! Maybe it's a case of the animals needing more time to feel that they will be safe there - the trouble is, they hide up in bonfires for the winter, and that can be fatal! Maybe you'll get a good surprise when you check them out.