Gave the mossy bits on the lawn a dose of iron sulphate.
Regardless of what I do, I'm finding it impossible to get grass to grow in the shade of this acer palmatum.
It wasn't a problem when it was smaller. Even though I give its "fringe" a trim each year, the cover is too great.
It's a long time since it looked like this.
So I'm considering that in the winter, I'll remove the brick circle and make a "half circle" edge, similar to the one I have around the other acer, leaving a greater area of bare earth. I might need some more paving bricks.
This sorbus is still retaining its berries.
It, as well as other plants at the bottom of the garden, will benefit from the removal of the big tree in the garden next door to the left.
Little colour now in the garden, other than the new heathers, the roses are all but finished and this is the last flowering plant on the rockery.
Leaves from the trees in the garden to the right of ours are already starting to fall.
It'll be a weekly job to clear them for a couple of months. Fortunately, my old Flymo Ultraglide, with its big fan at the back, is great at collecting them when I mow.
I'll get into those trees in the winter with my long pruner and cut off more of the branches that hang over our garden, but they're a long way up now.