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What veg do you grow and what are your favorite varieties of those veg ?


New member
Quitman, Ga.
I really like growing tomatoes. My favorite varieties are longkeeper and chocolate cherry tomatoes. For peppers, my favorite variety is banana pepper. I do grow green peppers, they ok, but the taste of banana peppers pleases me.
I haven't found my favorite varieties of anything else yet but I am hooked on red carrots. I like the color and the taste.

What are yours?
What are yours?
Love tomatoes, especially with peppers and onions, and HOT peppers. Every year I grow a different variety of tomatoes, but I love any of the big juicy ones and here it Jersey they get big and juicy. My daughter sends me bell pepper seeds from Wisconsin that are HUGE. I grow Better Boys, Big Beef, Beefsteak, Supersonics, Rutgers, and Early Girls and Roma. Usually only 4 plants a season so I rotate.
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I'm not really a veg grower and living so far north it's difficult growing outside. My favourite veg are runner beans and not easy to find to buy. I grew some in my previous garden which did well until the wind battered them. I'm hoping to try them here as the garden walls will give them shelter.


I like tomatoes but they won't grow outside so they will have to wait for the greenhouse next year.
Great topic! My favorite vegetable to grow is, definitely, okra! That said, I couldn't tell you what my favorite variety is yet because we've only ever just grown what we could get at Walmart, and I couldn't tell you what varieties those even were. This year, however, we're growing multiple different varieties including Jambalaya, Burgundy, and Beck's Big Buck (from some seed that @Meadowlark was kind enough to send me). So, I'll have a good idea later this year which of those three is and I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about all three when harvest time comes. I'm planning to use all three for everything we use okra for, to see which ones are best for which applications. Who knows, next year I may only be growing a single variety of whichever turns out to be a favorite, but only time will tell that story!