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I knew it was coming !! I knocked off all that ice that had slip down the roof of my front porch after the sun got to it, as @Tetters said to do, after it started melting. After that I shovelled the whole sidewalk and steps clean. Mail delivery today so I wanted it clear.

Around 4pm I heard a noise...

Avalanche !!
No wonder it wouldn't break when I hit it; some of those chunks are close to 5" thick !! 😄 More shovelling tomorrow morning !! 😐
True. And, that's just what was over the steps that fell. There's about 18 more feet of roof that the snow hasn't fell from yet !! 😄

That's what I get for buying a Victorian with a high pitched roof !! 😂

When you go over to the continent you can see the pitch of the roofs become much steeper to shed the snow quicker. I just have to get up on the roof with a broom here 🙄😁

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