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Geeze @Meadowlark! I just thought we were getting a lot of rain, but nowhere near what y'all are getting.
We added on just another slightly less than 5 inches for the preceding 24 hours. Frantic work on my bridge cleared the logjam before the sky's opened up again...too soon to know if bridge survived but I did all I could to save it. Looks like light rain today.

just under 5.webp
Crikey @Meadowlark , we didn't expect to 'see' you today. We have been listening to all the damage that Houston has had because of violent weather. We were imagining everyone there to have no electricity, and heard that trees were down everywhere, and 4 people were killed in the storm. We were wondering what was happening with the floods as well.
It's a relief to hear from you ! Isn't Houston about 2 hours away from your place?
Yes, Houston is about 90 minutes away and they got hit very hard last night. The rainfall has just been unbelievable. I haven't even been in the garden for days but hope I can again soon.

Falling trees are a real hazard to life here. There are a lot of oak trees in this area and surprisingly their root system is relatively shallow compared to say pines which have long tap roots. It is surprising at first to see huge oaks upended in high rainfall storms because I used to think of them as very strong. Not anymore.

It has been a spring to remember and forget.

p.s. Our power situation is relatively stable. I put a back-up generator system in place a couple years back and it has paid tremendous dividends. A huge number of people are without power this morning as a result of the storms, but we are doing fine.
We do all hope so. Rain is good for the garden, but not in that quantity. You will hopefully be a happier bunny very soon then - all fences and bridges fixed and super happy veggies 😁 oh, and confined well behaved cows!
We're finally enjoying a string of sunny days. We've had more rain than usual, but we've not been slammed as apparently @Meadowlark has. I check the US Drought Monitor like I'm a farmer or something; most of the US is in the clear drought-wise. I went out this morning to see if anything needed watering. Everything is still "moist" or "wet". I'm currently at 79/23. I think we're expecting 90-ish and sunshine today.

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