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The sun is out this morning, but the union flag is still showing that the easterly wind is blowing cold! 🥶
With a bit of luck, it will start warming up a bit by tomorrow, and I shall hobble out to the garden to do a bit of clearing up .... canardly wait :giggle: Back porch needs a thorough clean up today so I'd better get on with it !!
After the rain, again, yesterday it got chilly. Low last night was 40°f. I took my Dipladenia inside since they don't care for below 50°f. Today is bright, a bit hazy and chilly again with a north wind. It's only going to get uo to 56°f, if we're lucky but the ground is far too wet to work with.
If it's warm, it's expensive! And I can't have a greenhouse for what it costs here. Our land, say in California would be a million dollar property. Not even near that here.
My wife would love to live in Florida on the beach. She's already been through one hurricane in her life living down south. Don't know why she would want to live on the water like that. It gets torn up down there it seems every year. Anywhere you live has its problems. I would love to live in Arizona again. Too hot for her. And like a lot of places like that, water has to come from somewhere. These supplies are running low anymore look at lake mead. Which supplies water for Nevada, so.California and Arizona. Almost went dry a couple of years ago. Still isn't back to normal. Moving is also expensive. I know, I was a mover. For what we would get for our place, we couldn't afford to move and get a new place in a warmer climate. Also, everyone wants to live in those warmer places. We would have to move into a small apartment. Get rid of all the plants in the greenhouse. Get rid of our pets. So, that's why we don't move somewhere warmer. Having a home on a piece of land is a dream for many. It may be hard sometimes, but we couldn't have this anywhere warmer.
It's 6:00, 15°F, snow is falling. Expected to fall through the day into this evening. Now forcast is 8 to 11 inches Expected. My work called off today. My wife's work on the other hand won't call it off. Going to have to take her to work in my 4x4 pickup. Good thing I changed out the bad alternator Sunday. Don't know why her work is so greedy. All other places including schools in the area have shut down for the day. By noon it's really supposed to ramp up!! It's going to be a fun drive!!
If it's warm, it's expensive! And I can't have a greenhouse for what it costs here. Our land, say in California would be a million dollar property. Not even near that here.
You got that wrong !! The State of Georgia is one of the least expensive states to live in. We are not talking Waikiki, ya know !! 😂 You can buy a small house with Half acre of land in my town for well under 100 grand. It will need a few upgrades but nothing you can't live in. We also have one of the cheapest utilities rates and gas for the car is less expensive here due to very low state tax on it. No, S. Georgia is warm but not pricey at all.
Back on topic: We just caught the outside corner of that third polar vortex that's hit the midwest, and Texas. It got down to 38°f and the high will be 62°f. Very sunny and, so far, no wind to speak of and lots of Robins all over the yard.

Rags can't tolerate interlopers on "her" property so, after she threatened them with a vicious death, they all flew up into the trees. 😂
You got that wrong !! The State of Georgia is one of the least expensive states to live in. We are not talking Waikiki, ya know !! 😂 You can buy a small house with Half acre of land in my town for well under 100 grand. It will need a few upgrades but nothing you can't live in. We also have one of the cheapest utilities rates and gas for the car is less expensive here due to very low state tax on it. No, S. Georgia is warm but not pricey at all.
While that may be so, we couldn't get 100,000 for our place. And not on a half acre. We are on 4 acres. To build a new greenhouse ( mine cost about 9000 using some scrap materials from old shipping crates) and we had an old add on from a house trailer that is my little shop. The greenhouse was built onto that. Then sided with metal siding, roofing for shop side. Very expensive to rebuild. I have a few hundred cactus, Euphorbia, aloes, haworthias and others inside. To rebuild, truck all those plants, move, would be impossible. Our place is worth about 45000 here. And as I said, moving is expensive. I was a mover for 39 years. Figure for a moving company to come in and ship just house hold goods is over 1000 dollars for 1000 lbs. Not counting plants which I would have to move myself since moving companies don't ship plants. Also, no telling when your plants would get there depending on how many other shipments have to be delivered first and where if they did. To get an idea of what I mean about greenhouse content go to " Morris Park in the Ozarks" on YouTube to my channel. I already did the plant move once from California 41years ago with a lot less plants. There's twice that now. When you put all of this together, it becomes VERY expensive. And a bit difficult for plants like my Euphorbia abyssinica which is 8 ft tall.
Back on topic: We just caught the outside corner of that third polar vortex that's hit the midwest, and Texas. It got down to 38°f and the high will be 62°f. Very sunny and, so far, no wind to speak of and lots of Robins all over the yard.

Rags can't tolerate interlopers on "her" property so, after she threatened them with a vicious death, they all flew up into the trees. 😂
Weather sounds nice there!
While that may be so, we couldn't get 100,000 for our place. And not on a half acre. We are on 4 acres. To build a new greenhouse ( mine cost about 9000 using some scrap materials from old shipping crates) and we had an old add on from a house trailer that is my little shop. The greenhouse was built onto that. Then sided with metal siding, roofing for shop side. Very expensive to rebuild. I have a few hundred cactus, Euphorbia, aloes, haworthias and others inside. To rebuild, truck all those plants, move, would be impossible. Our place is worth about 45000 here. And as I said, moving is expensive. I was a mover for 39 years. Figure for a moving company to come in and ship just house hold goods is over 1000 dollars for 1000 lbs. Not counting plants which I would have to move myself since moving companies don't ship plants. Also, no telling when your plants would get there depending on how many other shipments have to be delivered first and where if they did. To get an idea of what I mean about greenhouse content go to " Morris Park in the Ozarks" on YouTube to my channel. I already did the plant move once from California 41years ago with a lot less plants. There's twice that now. When you put all of this together, it becomes VERY expensive. And a bit difficult for plants like my Euphorbia abyssinica which is 8 ft

While that may be so, we couldn't get 100,000 for our place. And not on a half acre. We are on 4 acres. To build a new greenhouse ( mine cost about 9000 using some scrap materials from old shipping crates) and we had an old add on from a house trailer that is my little shop. The greenhouse was built onto that. Then sided with metal siding, roofing for shop side. Very expensive to rebuild. I have a few hundred cactus, Euphorbia, aloes, haworthias and others inside. To rebuild, truck all those plants, move, would be impossible. Our place is worth about 45000 here. And as I said, moving is expensive. I was a mover for 39 years. Figure for a moving company to come in and ship just house hold goods is over 1000 dollars for 1000 lbs. Not counting plants which I would have to move myself since moving companies don't ship plants. Also, no telling when your plants would get there depending on how many other shipments have to be delivered first and where if they did. To get an idea of what I mean about greenhouse content go to " Morris Park in the Ozarks" on YouTube to my channel. I already did the plant move once from California 41years ago with a lot less plants. There's twice that now. When you put all of this together, it becomes VERY expensive. And a bit difficult for plants like my Euphorbia abyssinica which is 8 ft tall.
Also, people in town might have a problem with my big outdoor wood stove that heats the greenhouse. We are in the country! Towns and cities often have rules about wood stoves. Neighborhoods might have a problem with that. Our neighbors live far enough away that it doesn't bother them. No houses on either side very close in front or in back of us.
Also, people in town might have a problem with my big outdoor wood stove that heats the greenhouse. We are in the country! Towns and cities often have rules about wood stoves. Neighborhoods might have a problem with that. Our neighbors live far enough away that it doesn't bother them. No houses on either side very close in front or in back of us.

We've just got a wood stove before they make them illegal here along with gas boilers and cars 😬

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