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How much are they predicting you'll get ?

When I lived in Jersey I had just moved down there from Massachusetts where we got feet of show in one storm.

I was flabberghasted when they predicted 18" and people in Jersey were describing it as a blizzard !! 😂 LMAO !!
Not a significant amount. Just as with rain in Summer, last few years we got very little snow in Winter, which is really why the drought is so bad...no reserves. One year we had a 36" storm that shut things down for 3 days. But I don't miss the shoveling at my age. Yeah Annie, New England can get quite a bit of the white stuff. Do you kind people in England ever get any accumulation of snow ?
yeah, the ice is the WORST, not only for driving but for areas still with power lines coming down
Yeah, we had it back in 2007. The ice crushed and toppled the trees and power lines. We had no power for 6 days. My little 3000 watt generator would only run for 45 minutes per tank full. Stayed up for 3 days keeping it running. Had to keep it running to operate wood stove fan blower going. Blew it up on 3rd day!! Had to make a run to another city today and find a generator! People thought I was crazy when I demanded a generator NOW!! I was a bit out of my head after 3 days no sleep! Came home with a 5500 watt generator with a 13 hour tank on it! Went to sleep immediately!! On the 6th day, we got power!! We now have two generators to power home and greenhouse. Hate ice!! I'll take the snow, not as much damage or power loss.
Not a significant amount. Just as with rain in Summer, last few years we got very little snow in Winter, which is really why the drought is so bad...no reserves. One year we had a 36" storm that shut things down for 3 days. But I don't miss the shoveling at my age. Yeah Annie, New England can get quite a bit of the white stuff. Do you kind people in England ever get any accumulation of snow ?
Scotland very often gets the most snow, so @Sheal will be able to tell you more about that. Here, down in the South East it mostly stays a fraction warmer, although I can remember a few winters that have been extremely bitter for a long time. The winter of 1962/63 in particular, when the sea froze over. There have been other winters too since I moved into the countryside, away from town when I remember digging the sheep out when they were lambing, and I walked a few miles to the shop to get groceries for the elderly in the village - mostly walking on top of frozen hedges, and pulling a sledge to bring the groceries back on. I'll see if I can find an old video we watched just a few days ago of 1962/3
Scotland very often gets the most snow, so @Sheal will be able to tell you more about that. Here, down in the South East it mostly stays a fraction warmer, although I can remember a few winters that have been extremely bitter for a long time. The winter of 1962/63 in particular, when the sea froze over. There have been other winters too since I moved into the countryside, away from town when I remember digging the sheep out when they were lambing, and I walked a few miles to the shop to get groceries for the elderly in the village - mostly walking on top of frozen hedges, and pulling a sledge to bring the groceries back on. I'll see if I can find an old video we watched just a few days ago of 1962/3
Do you wish you would get some snow in Winter at least for the ambiance ?

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