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It only got up to 70 degrees today and they predict 49 for the low tonight. I think I will try planting some of my Fava ( broad) beans next week !! But, I need to do laundry and if it doesn't get warm out tomorrow I can't very well use my clothesline. 😫

Today, a million years passed in a month of Sundays
and the lion lay down with the lamb
and Kingdon did come

Today, Hell froze over
and the snowball did have a chance
and the sun rose in the west
and the moon turned to blue cheese

Today, the rivers ran uphill
and mountains moved
and fish climbed trees
and the world turned upside down

Today, the bovine returned home
and the boar and the sow took flight
and monkeys flew from my ass...

For today....(whispered)... it rained !


Today, a million years passed in a month of Sundays
and the lion lay down with the lamb
and Kingdon did come

Today, Hell froze over
and the snowball did have a chance
and the sun rose in the west
and the moon turned to blue cheese

Today, the rivers ran uphill
and mountains moved
and fish climbed trees
and the world turned upside down

Today, the bovine returned home
and the boar and the sow took flight
and monkeys flew from my ass...

For today....(whispered)... it rained !

That next to last line must've been quite painful !!😖😖😖

Winter is nearly here. High 57f and low 37f. I brought in all my frost intolerant plants and planted a few cutting that I took this summer, into the ground because, you know, they were in pots and had gotten a good root system, so were ready to go into the ground. .

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