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The seed starting itch 😳

Thank you @Logan.
Below are the plants I had grown from seed in this thread and how they look out in the garden this morning.

I did a no-no. Planted the veg out yesterday, no hardening off done at all !!. Nobody wilted or showed any signs of stress at all. All had good healthy rootsystems and were planted before they became root bound.
I have two Courgettes on this one that I polinated indoors. The pepper at the top of the picture I pinched off the flower buds as they formed so that the plant will concentrate on root growth and not producing flowers.

These two tomato plants were at least two foot tall so I planted them in the bed on an angle, burrying the stems and dusted the wet stem and root ball with mycorrhizal fungi. Three marigolds for companions.
After removing my big cabbage and some radishes these two, a pepper and another Courgette got tucked into this bed.
This is the Rocket plant put in earlier, but grown from seed, you can see some of the Iris I had to lift to remove runners from that invasive Mex. Petunia yesterday.

I'll be happy if the rest of my seedlings do this well but, I'm already seeing one failure, so far. I planted Toothache plant and only one of six germinated and survived. Also my Stifa grasses had very poor germination and the two that did grow don't look good at all.
But, That's Gardening !! 😄
They're looking good so far @Anniekay
They might not show stress at the moment but it might set them back growing and fruiting or growing as veg.
You're right, it may. We will have to see. ATM, my weather is so nice and calm and partly cloudy, with mild sunshine off and on during the day that they aren't complaining at all. I have been keeping an eye on them: checking them to see if they are starting to wilt, but, so far so good. 🙂
My zinnias are coming up under the grow lights but my Cone flowers are mostly a failure as I think I planted them too deep because most have damped off.

One of the Red Norland potatoes in the raised bed have come up !!😊 I need to get the rest of my chitted potatoes in soon and the rest of my onions which I plan on doing this afternoon if it doesn't rain.
The Courgettes are producing. I'm still hand pollinating them.
Onions above have come up and Chinese Celery is finally getting big.

My peas are just starting to flower, it may get too hot for them.
I would say that, so far, about 1/3 of the seeds I planted indoors either damped off, didn't germinate, or kicked the bucket after germinating. So, this evening I started more Cone flowers, a few more toothache plants and some banana peppers. I then started some bush cuces, more Baby Boomer tomatoes, and some Amaranth.

Tomorrow, if I can get to it, I need to plant out some bush beans. 🙂

I bought seed of the Cassia Senna bush and sowed some today. . It is also called Candlestick Bush. It grows in zones 8-10 in the US. ( lowest temp 20°f ) If it dies back from too much cold, it comes back the next spring. It has all sorts of medicinal uses and, it will grow 3-4' tall the very first year !!
It is a plant that people with chickens grow because as the chickens eat the leaves they deworm the chickens !! ☺️

The leaves and stems, actually the whole plant is great as compost additive or just chop and drop. The leaves are high in nitrogen.

I got 100 seed in the pack so, if anyone wants some, just message me. You do need to keep up dead heading this bush because the seed germinates on top of the soil but it's easy to mow or hoe the seedlings.
Couple weeks ago I started these. It's round two as I didn't have room to start everything that I wanted to in late December.
Bush cucumber because I'm tired if erecting a trellis for them.😄
Red Amaranth, or Love lies bleeding.

Tithonia, the tall variety, but look how the one at the top of the photo is so wrinkly? I don't know if it's tithonia or something else??? 😕

White yarrow. I've not grown it before but it's supposed to be good for polinators?

Then, I went shopping and had to use my Credit card instead of my debit card because some dumb thief got my CC numbers and tried to buy $198 and change on something at a Sporting Goods store. The bank caught it and refused to pay it but, they closed my card and I still, after two weeks, haven't gotten a replacement card yet !! 😡. But, I digress. ☺️

I can't resist plants, or seeds, so I got these:

And I love Cannas eventhough they tend to spread like japanese knotweed, I still love 'em !! 😄 So, I got this one. It has two eyes and one had already popped right through the plastic bag holding the tubers !! 😄

Ain't she a beauty ? 😎
Yesterday I sewed some casper eggplant seed. They claim that the Casper variety is the sweetest.
Also some Heatmaster tomato seed. It gets so hot here that my tomato plants quit setting fruit in late June, so, these seed came from a grower in Florida. Hopefully they work here.