Sunflowers (all varieties)

Southern Colorado
Hardiness zone
Having served Ukraine in the war; I have grown accustomed to their national flower (The Sunflower). I plant it everywhere, all the time and in abundance. As you can imagine, they attract a heavy pollinator clientele. Here are some of my sunflowers from last season.

Beware, they attract a heavy dose of wasps as well.

Thank you for your service.

I use sunflowers as a trap for stink bugs in addition to admiring their beauty and stuff.

I discovered years back that stink bugs will go to the sunflowers in preference to your garden tomatoes. This only works I have found if the sunflowers are grown in proximity to the tomatoes. I always plant sunflowers on the outside edge of my garden because I intend to hit the stink bugs that inevitably come with major pesticide. That way I do not get any pesticide on my garden soil or plants or tomatoes. It works for me.