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Polar Vortex Veggies


Well-known member
East Texas
Hardiness zone
The garden has endured three consecutive days of temps falling into the mid-twenties with daytime highs of upper thirties...the Polar Vortex effect. More is expected.

Polar Vortex, no problem to these hearty delicious veggies:

broc PV.webp


carrots PV.webp


cauliflower PV.webp


lettuce PV.webp

Curly Kale

kale PV.webp

An 80 ft row of hundreds of onions

onions PV.webp

Radish by the hundreds

radish PV.webp

Red Cabbage and Brussels sprouts

red cabbage and brussels PV.webp

Turnips by the thousands

turnips PV.webp
Wow, nice! Yours are doing much better than ours! All our stuff died a while back. Not sure if it was the weather, or what we did wrong, but we actually didn't make anything from our fall garden except for a little spinach. Admittedly, though, we did get everything in the ground about a month later than we wanted to so that could be what happened.