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Ozarks are Burning

big rockpile

Well-known member
Hardiness zone
I was looking maybe for my wife to be called in for bad weather.

I was telling her looked like a big fire over at the State Park. Told her looked like one of those that go for miles.

Then she gets a call to come to the office there is fires everywhere.

Wind is blowing 40+MPH.

big rockpile
I was looking maybe for my wife to be called in for bad weather.

I was telling her looked like a big fire over at the State Park. Told her looked like one of those that go for miles.

Then she gets a call to come to the office there is fires everywhere.

Wind is blowing 40+MPH.

big rockpile

Prayers for the safety of everyone involved in putting those fires out! The wind is blowing 40+ here today, too, and we've got a fire starting up about 30 miles east of where I live. The wind is blowing out of the west, mostly, so we should be safe but I definitely worry about all the folks east of that fire!
Well it rained some and wind died so once again most is good.

She said 17 houses burnt in one town, said one house burnt in town, said they had a fire at the Barrel Plant lightning hit stack of Pallets and 700 acres burnt over by the State Park.

big rockpile