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Must Have Gardening Tools


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North Texas
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What are your must-have gardening tools?

I use a large tiller for breaking new ground, and for softening the ground before it's time to plant.

I have another handheld, much smaller, tiller that I use for weeding between rows after the plants are already in the ground. It's actually an attachment that goes on the end of my weed eater.

I use a pitchfork for digging potatoes. I find that I ruin much less potatoes vs when I use a shovel to dig them.

Finally, I use an all-metal rake to build my rows after I till.

That's pretty much it. What kinda of tools do y'all use?
I could write an essay about gardening tools...but must have would be the stirrup hoe. Far superior to all other hoes it is actually fun to use.416aPZ8LMpL._AC_SX679_.webp

Probably next I would list the sifter which I find invaluable in sifting compost and soils.


Then of course my small tractor which discs, makes raised rows, chop and drop, cultivates, amends soil, moves soil, busts soil, plows soil, etc. etc.
must have would be the stirrup hoe. Far superior to all other hoes it is actually fun to use.

What in the world!?! I've never seen, or heard of, a stirrup hoe before. Looks like I'm gonna have to hit up YouTube to find out how that thing works. Is that something you got at something like Tractor Supply where you live, or something you bought online?

Probably next I would list the sifter which I find invaluable in sifting compost and soils.

Again, another tool I wouldn't have even thought about for the garden. What do you sift your compost and soils for? I guess with compost you might be looking to make sure everything is composted well enough?
So I just pulled up this video about the stirrup hoe and I'm impressed! Looks like it works much better than a regular hoe. This guy makes quick work of this little area he's got going and, more importantly, it worked on bermuda grass, which is my #1 enemy in the garden. May have to try to find me one of these and give it a try!

The stirrup hoe or oscillating hoe is most often cited as the gardener's best friend, and I would venture the most preferred hoe by far. It has a unique design that enables efficient weeding by cutting through soil just below the surface, uprooting weeds without disturbing the surrounding plants. It is a great way to save your back from all that bending and pulling. Very commonly available anywhere garden tools are sold.

The sifter is invaluable for making plant starting soil. The resulting fine particle soil is ideal for seed germination and plant starting.

Another invaluable tool is one I've custom made just for working onions. Ideal for getting weeds close to onions without bending over and also works great at managing the soil around the bulbs. I'll post up a picture when I get the chance.