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Christmas Day flowers in Shropshire

Very definitely an acid clay.
I think they are all common enough plants. There is one Daphne Jacqueline Postil in there.
Yes, and Daphne is especially difficult to grow here. I kept Daphne odora going for a few years, but in the end it yellowed and flaked out. I had one smallish pocket of soil here that was a bit more acid, but clearly not acid enough. I have now accepted fully that I must be grateful for the fact that my alkaline plot is able to grow a lovely lot of other plants instead. I noticed you had a very healthy Mahonia there and there is a very heavy scent from the Sarcococca too ((:what a lot of c's) I also remember one of your plants that looked rather like one of the Viburnums that are all happy here.
I'm always very happy with ''common'' plants as they usually flourish, and who wants to be a plant snob anyway?
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Yes, and Daphne is especially difficult to grow here. I kept Daphne odora going for a few years, but in the end it yellowed and flaked out. I had one smallish pocket of soil here that was a bit more acid, but clearly not acid enough. I have now accepted fully that I must be grateful for the fact that my alkaline plot is able to grow a lovely lot of other plants instead. I noticed you had a very healthy Mahonia there and there is a very heavy scent from the Sarcococca too ((:what a lot of c's) I also remember one of your plants that looked rather like one of the Viburnums that are all happy here.
I'm always very happy with ''common'' plants as they usually flourish, and who wants to be a plant snob anyway?
I have acid soil and was sent a Daphne odorata by mistake from a nursery that I ordered camellias from. They had me keep it and it died the second year. I did get it to flower but, they say that that is how Daphnes are, they are very short lived !!

I'm also happy to grow what likes it here even if it is a "common" plant. I get as much enjoyment from those as any other !!.😁
Daphne odorata is on the tender side so we do not even try it. D, J.P survived in our other garden for well over 15 years and was still there when we moved and still may be as far as we know. D. Eternal Fragrance is now 5 yeas old here and still looks healthy. (with a bow to hubris).