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Celery...Ins and outs

Yeah, a smack in the lughole, head wallop, good hiding, a fourpenny one....... I dunno, so many of you American people don't manage to speak English properly. Don't worry though, we'll help you out :rolleyes:. ....... ..:giggle:
Don't even like the stuff 😁 I like celery salt though 🙂

I put the pic on the wrong thread. I told everyone I was a rubbish moderator but would they listen? 🙄
You probably eat a lot more of it than you actually know about. You eat what I decide is good for you :sneaky: I think I'll refrain from commenting about your moderating skills..... for now ☺️
Yeah, a smack in the lughole, head wallop, good hiding, a fourpenny one....... I dunno, so many of you American people don't manage to speak English properly. Don't worry though, we'll help you out :rolleyes:. ....... ..:giggle:
I'm in a grammatical forest and I have lost my compass...What, pray tell, is a head wallop? Is that like a fancy lettuce or cabbage? Why would vegetables be threatening? Lughole sounds like something to do with a car wheel... and what does a game of hide and seek have to do with head wallops? fourpenny one??? Gambling reference???
I'm in a grammatical forest and I have lost my compass...What, pray tell, is a head wallop? Is that like a fancy lettuce or cabbage? Why would vegetables be threatening? Lughole sounds like something to do with a car wheel... and what does a game of hide and seek have to do with head wallops? fourpenny one??? Gambling reference???
Your parents mustn't have whalloped you for bad behavior !! 😂
I'm in a grammatical forest and I have lost my compass...What, pray tell, is a head wallop? Is that like a fancy lettuce or cabbage? Why would vegetables be threatening? Lughole sounds like something to do with a car wheel... and what does a game of hide and seek have to do with head wallops? fourpenny one??? Gambling reference???
Now look here young man, I think you had better go and find a quiet corner, get a cup of tea (YES tea), put on some soothing music and contemplate your inadequate grasp of the English language. Do a little research maybe - try looking up ''English for foreigners'' or ''Ordinary words from the mother country that are difficult for us to remember'' and similar. Failing that, you could enlist for classes (night lessons may be available)
Bless you for trying 🙏 .......:rolleyes:.......😁
Now look here young man, I think you had better go and find a quiet corner, get a cup of tea (YES tea), put on some soothing music and contemplate your inadequate grasp of the English language. Do a little research maybe - try looking up ''English for foreigners'' or ''Ordinary words from the mother country that are difficult for us to remember'' and similar. Failing that, you could enlist for classes (night lessons may be available)
Bless you for trying 🙏 .......:rolleyes:.......😁
One of my Grandmother's favorites: "If I have to come over there I'm gonna knock you into next week !!" 😄

But, my all-time-favorite, ( because you needn't take her seriously !!) : "Do I have to drill a hole in your head and stick a note in there ? "

Your parents mustn't have whalloped you for bad behavior !! 😂
Now look here young man, I think you had better go and find a quiet corner, get a cup of tea (YES tea), put on some soothing music and contemplate your inadequate grasp of the English language. Do a little research maybe - try looking up ''English for foreigners'' or ''Ordinary words from the mother country that are difficult for us to remember'' and similar. Failing that, you could enlist for classes (night lessons may be available)
Bless you for trying 🙏 .......:rolleyes:.......😁

Honestly, If a whallop is something like being smacked in the back of the head with reckless abandon, my granddad called those Love taps. I received those often for little to no reason. If there was a reason to receive it however, it usually resulted in landing flat on my face and seeing stars. I'll leave it to say this much. I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2006. The height of GWOT. The upbringing I received left me better prepared to handle the psychological turmoil of that hell than any of my peers. Did I come from a loving home? Yes. Was I swaddled and coddled with leniency? Absolutely not. Whallop sounds like a place to take an equestrian vacation to me.
One of my Grandmother's favorites: "If I have to come over there I'm gonna knock you into next week !!" 😄

But, my all-time-favorite, ( because you needn't take her seriously !!) : "Do I have to drill a hole in your head and stick a note in there ? "

My grandmother was much the same, but was very Italian about it. I'm going to spell this wrong, but the phonetics are there, she'd constantly yell "Fottalogotsidoo", which essentially means "Mind your own effing business." and there's always her go to line of, "Go scratch yourself, and you know where!" She's 96...no 97...and still kicking.
Now look here young man, I think you had better go and find a quiet corner, get a cup of tea (YES tea), put on some soothing music and contemplate your inadequate grasp of the English language. Do a little research maybe - try looking up ''English for foreigners'' or ''Ordinary words from the mother country that are difficult for us to remember'' and similar. Failing that, you could enlist for classes (night lessons may be available)
Bless you for trying 🙏 .......:rolleyes:.......😁
I like tea... I prefer Earl Grey, but I near equally like Green tea. Oolong Tea is good too. But I maintain that I do not speak English. I speak 'Mercan.