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Cave Aged Cheese

I love goat cheese !! Since my Doctor lady got after me for high cholesterol I've only eaten goat cheese. I never milked my goats, so never made goat cheese, mine were meat goats anyway. That's not a bad price for the amount of cheese. I pay $5.99 for 50g.😮
I think I had a date with her at junior school 😬

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Oh now that reminds me of something.!!

When I was in 5th grade I had this boy in my class who looked Exactly !! like Alfalfa on "The Little Rascals." Black hair, cut using a cereal bowl, big 'ol cowlick at the top of his head, face full of freckles !! Always wore a grey plaid suit that was 2 sizes too small, black shoes and bowtie, white shirt and socks and he and every bit of his clothing was just filthy !! 😝 I doubt he ever bathed.
His name was Kenny Stimpson, or "Stinkson" as we called him behind his back.

One day my mother was meeting me after school and as we walking along, he comes up, asks my mother: "Is it ok if I kiss your daughter" ?

I took off running!! My mother told him: "Sure, if you can catch her." 😂😂😂

He chased me all the way to my house, 6 blocks, never did catch me !! 😂
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