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Carrot Germination


Well-known member
East Texas
Hardiness zone
Carrots are a wonderful garden veggie we can grow 10 months out of the year here. However, they can and usually are a bit difficult to achieve germination. My old friend Durgan, a respected gardener, showed me what I call the "board" technique for aiding the germination of carrots. The key is keeping the carrot seed moist, never allowing to dry, during germination.

Planting carrots board method by Durgan.
Carrots are difficult to geminate. I cover the row with an oar and water can to keep damp until germination. Works well.
Carrot seed to obtain good germination and spacing some steps can be taken. Use the board method to improve germination. Adequate seed spacing at planting means no thinning of very small plants is required. Covering the seeds with a board prevents the seeds from drying out due to hot sun and moderates the soil temperature (Carrots will not germinate above 80F), and from getting moved by heavy rainfall until the plant is established. The board covering is raised with cross pieces so the emerging plant has some vertical growing space before being removed. The board is removed immediately upon the plants emerging. The board method improves germination for most seeds.
My son bought a "tape" of carrot seeds that we're gonna try out. Supposedly you just bury that tape in the ground, water it, and wait on the carrots to come up. I'm pretty anxious to give it a try. It'll be a whole 25' row, and the seeds are super close together in this tape, so we could have a ton of carrots if it works. I may very well try this board method on some of them to see if it makes a difference. Heck, I may try it on all of them just to increase our chances of having some carrots this year. Be cool to pull a carrot up out of the ground and eat it with the stem still on...kinda like an old bugs bunny cartoon.

Yes, seed tape carrots work very well...I use them some. especially in containers where it is very easy to get proper spacing and germination using just the tape,