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Recent content by NigelJ

  1. N

    Please read this important announcement !!!

    Why not take the threats out and just explain why you would like photos of mailboxes (bet you can find loads on Google). Then a polite request with a please in it.
  2. N

    What's Looking Good in March 2025

    Crocus rujanensis Corydalis paschei will disappear below ground by Easter and reappear next March. Muscari pulchellum Blue Hyacinth
  3. N

    The Cactus Thread

    First cactus flower of the year mammillaria bombycina
  4. N

    What's for dinner

    There is a Cow Fish probably not known in biblical times though. The reason for fish on a Friday is that Jesus died on a Friday and so you should fast and abstain from meat. What's logic got to do with religion. The Roman Catholics gave it up in the 1960's.
  5. N

    What's for dinner

    What's for dinner? Whatever is in the fridge when I open the door this evening.
  6. N

    What's for dinner

    Interestingly, before the reformation, when fish was eaten every Friday. Every monastery and Abbey had a stew pond where carp were kept and grown. Also beaver was classed as a fish and beaver tail was a delicacy. Barnacle geese were also classed as fish as they were believed to be the mature...
  7. N

    What's Looking Good in March 2025

    Apologies Zigs I normally remeember to give names where I have them. That snowdrop is a German variety "Grunschnabel". Apparently it may take a year or so to settle in and is then a "good doer". I picked it up a couple of weeks ago at a talk on subtle varigation in plants. The speaker was a...
  8. N

    What's Looking Good in March 2025

    White Anemone blanda Narcissus Midget Latest addition to the Galanthus collection.
  9. N


    Frozen frogspawn, in a few weeks tadpole lollipops for the sticklebacks.
  10. N

    What's Looking Good in February 2025

    Anemone blanda with lesser celandine in the sun last Saturday.
  11. N

    Cave Aged Cheese

    Cave aged Yarg, from Cornwall, is delicious.
  12. N

    What's Looking Good in February 2025

    @Tetters I'm about 1% of the way there and time and money are against me.
  13. N

    What's Looking Good in February 2025

    Galanthus elwesii monostictus. Hellebore seedlings Sarcococca hookeriana Galanthus plicatus "Trymming"
  14. N

    Quality Over Cheap

    @olly-buckle Captain Vimes and Terry Pratchett didn't put it any better.
  15. N

    I Know They Are Plants

    Aloe vera in Ethiopia I took this nearly decade ago, on a trip to Ethiopia, growing wild all over the placethis was one of the better looking plants.