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Recent content by Mr_Yan

  1. M

    Storing sugar and salt long term

    Again I went dark for a while on forums - lots of work and riding bikes. We use buckets, like @Meadowlark pointed out, for bulk rice, flour, beans, and other misc dry food items. Mainly because these buckets are bug proof and mouse resistant and we buy bulk things 50 to 100 pounds at a time...
  2. M

    tart cherries

    Sweet cherries freezer amazingly. I suggest trying that and pulling them a few hours before you want the treat. Eat them when semi frozen. But I've always done that when the pit was still in them. With tart cherries I am thinking I will pit and sugar them for the pie then freeze in a pie...
  3. M

    tart cherries

    Well my tart cherry trees are heavy with fruit. We made one pie already and don't really want another pie right now. Any thoughts on what to do with the fruit? Will pitted cherries freeze well for pies later?
  4. M


    Well it's a mite bit late now. From some quick searches Borax is an herbicide so not sure I want that running off my patio. Maybe I do an annual blast out of the paver cracks with air and top them off with a mix of sand and terro or taro or both. My wife sometimes say I don't listen to either...
  5. M

    Walnut Tree

    because the internet sucks for finding information I now am finding contradictory info on sites that I would expect to be reliable. One says black walnut and carpathian won't cross because the flowering time is not in sync. One site says they'll be fine. One site says you need two different...
  6. M


    Yeah, I think I need to break out some boron and sugar for the ants. I'm getting ant hills all over between my new patio pavers. I've read about several home brew methods where sugar and Borax is mixed as ant bait.
  7. M


    So just riffing here: Around Michigan, especially nearish the lake like I am, it's cloudy all winter. I think the local TV weather guys were saying Grand Rapids had only 4 to 6 hours of clear sun for the months of January and February this year. So evergreen trees aren't getting as strong and...
  8. M

    Walnut Tree

    So here's my walnut: This is an English / Carpathian walnut cultivar I planted from a 5 gallon nursery tree. I think it went in the ground 3 seasons ago and has really taken off this year. It looks like I am getting some growth out from the graft area so I need to prune those suckers. From...
  9. M

    Firewood Processor

    Yeah, that's cool to watch. Way too close to the type of automation machine I have made at times but there. I may have been asked to have it dump in front of a yellow robot arm which would then stack the fire wood for you. And there were a few points where I was talking to the screen about...
  10. M

    Rose of Sharon

    Yeah I thought they were indestructible too - like it would be down to cockroaches, rose-of-sharons, and Keith Richards after an apocalypse - until I watched a fungus go though and kill all of them in my neighborhood one summer. I had one about 2 meters tall and full of flowers then it just...
  11. M

    Trees to block off traffic at back of garden

    So @AndrewP looking at those two pics you have a great blank slate to do about anything you want in there. Earlier we spoke about getting little plants rather than big ones. @Tetters went with 1 L in size or so but that is a bit extreme. I usually like buying trees in what is a trade size here...
  12. M


    Hemlock trees sure can thrive in shade https://mortonarb.org/plant-and-protect/trees-and-plants/eastern-hemlock/ I had some holly and azalea in pretty deep shade and doing well
  13. M

    Starting to Landscape

    I planted the birch and sycamore trees slightly into the lawn south of the patio and planted the barberry and dwarf butterfly bushes today. As I wrapped that up and started watering in everything it started to rain. It's low 60s F and overcast turning to rain today so that shouldn't be too much...
  14. M

    Starting to Landscape

    OK, I cut out of work early and all 5 of us made a trip to a nursery and landscaper I've never been to. All of the kids were well behaved but two of them really liked walking in the sprinklers that were running. Any way I spent a lot of plants and we came out with: 2 Salvia "violet profusion"...
  15. M

    Cucumber Recall

    leafy greens with no cooking killing stage of prep are a huge route for food bourn illness. Current practice is to harvest large areas and treat all the greens at the same time in the same water so cross contamination is going to sweep anything bad from one area into the whole lot and the...