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Recent content by big rockpile

  1. B

    What's happening in your garden today?

    Been sifting Compost for Potting Soil. Put some on Garden need to put some on Raised Beds. Got Cabbage and Petunias coming up. Going to get second opinionat to do with me on my Cancer. Was going to a Holistic Herblist but Doctor today said there is no way I can do as she wants because...
  2. B

    Too Much Nitrogen In My Soil Mix

    Ok thinking on roots this is a crazy idea but I decided to use some Wood Ash. I have been using some but I guess not enough. I was worried about PH. Was checking on Internet said not to worry so much on PH. I'm using this on everything so I have to get it right. The way it is now most things...
  3. B

    Too Much Nitrogen In My Soil Mix

    I know have it Tested. But I've determined it has too much Nitrogen. My Radishes in my Raised Bed are not making bulbs but a seed fell on gravel it is ready to go. Most things do great but to me just not there. Wondering how I can bring the Nitrogen down? big rockpile
  4. B

    The Cactus Thread

    Well usually they come through the ground this is the first time I've seen this. big rockpile
  5. B

    What's happening in your garden today?

    Watered everything in the Greenhouse. Planted some Cabbage and Cauliflower. Moved some Geraniums to get more sunlight. big rockpile
  6. B

    The Cactus Thread

    Great minds what is going on with my Aloe Vera? big rockpile
  7. B

    It's a Daisy Of Some Kind

    Cool hope to have a bunch. We got some from the Amish. big rockpile
  8. B

    It's a Daisy Of Some Kind

    What is it? It is small and I planted several but like them. big rockpile
  9. B

    Spring Questions Because It Is Warm

    I'm thinking leave the mulch on Asparagus. I read somewhere to let it grow up through the mulch and I've had a problem with weeds. Onions I've topped them 3X already. I was told not to let them get over 5 inches tall. big rockpile
  10. B

    Two Kinds Of Clay

    Trying to change my soil because of Clay but it is a dark color. Was thinking about the South yes it is warmer but it still frost. I was just thinking of the soil there red slick Clay and harder to mess with. Friend was talking about how warm it is here but like he said we didn't have a...
  11. B

    Spring Questions Because It Is Warm

    Mulched my Garlic with Straw it is growing up through the Straw. Is it too early to uncover it? Should I top my Onions one more time to keep them from being Leggy? When should I plant them? I was going to start Cabbage inside and was going to start them March 12. Should I wait or start them...
  12. B

    What's happening in your garden today?

    We have a problem 85% of the state is in a Drought but we're far worse. Been watching Radar since we are elevated we will have a big area of rain coming for us. Thinking no way it will miss us. Wrong it splits and goes around us. We've only had few inches in three years. Try to save some...
  13. B

    What's happening in your garden today?

    I'll bet you have rain to put water in them. big rockpile
  14. B

    What's happening in your garden today?

    Well I was excited 100% chance of rain. Caught a total of 12 and half gallons of water. I'm going to have no choice but to use Tap Water. big rockpile
  15. B

    What's happening in your garden today?

    Cut back on plants today, so some got compost duty. Trimmed some Herbs. Repotted some Geraniums. big rockpile