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Labor Day is always observed on the first Monday in September here [USER=16]@Sheal[/USER].

Speaking of Holidays today and especially tonight is Halloween. 

"Halloween actually comes from the British Isles. It's the modern evolution of the Gaelic festival of Samhain, traditionally celebrated in Scotland, Ireland, and the Isle of Man. The festival marked the end of harvest season and the beginning of winter, and it was viewed as a time when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld could be crossed more easily. Offerings were made to the spirits or fairies, and some people wore costumes, either to imitate or hide from the spirits. Throughout the years, costumes, mumming, and guising have all been parts of the festival. Turnip carving was also popular."

I could go for some turnip carving :eek::eek:

Halloween has lost some of its luster for the kids here especially because of the increasingly incredibly cruel and mean people out there.

Is it widely celebrated in UK? Other countries?
