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What's happening in your garden today?


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North Texas
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Saw this topic on another gardening forum and thought it was a great idea. I'm assuming folks are doing at least a little something in their gardens almost every day, so this could be a place to keep everyone else updated on the little things you're doing. Who knows, it might remind someone else that they need to get out and do the same in their gardens! It'll also be interesting to see how different people, from different parts of the world, are tending to their gardens on any given day.

So, what did you do in your garden today?

Also, thought I'd spice this thread up by posting a photo from Meadowlark.

corn, green beans, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and okra.webp
Too wet to garden today...reminds me of a favorite song

Well, it sure feels good to come in here
And just pull up a seat
A frosty mug of a cool one
Helps to beat the heat
These old dog days of summer
Lord, I'll be glad when they're gone

It's too hot to fish
And too hot for golf
And too cold at home

That baseball game on TV
Takes me back to when I was a kid
Proudly worn, those uniforms
Just like the Dodgers did
Yeah, we won a few and lost a few
And for me, it still goes on

It's too hot to fish
And too hot for golf
And too cold at home

Well, I only planned on one or two
I might stay for three
If that good-lookin' thing in the corner
Keeps smilin' back at me
It's so easy not to care
'Bout what's right or what's wrong

It's too hot to fish
And too hot for golf
And too cold at home
I use toilet roll tubes, cut them in half and fill with compost, put them in a tray with no holes in the bottom, cover it with cling film.

Do you just plant those directly in the ground when the time comes and let the toilet paper roll tubes decompose or do you remove the plants/soil from the tubes?
I haven't been in the garden much in the last few days. Wednesday I got the peppers in the ground.

Today three pallets of Holland pavers were delivered for the patio I get to put in. Now I have 2900ish 4"x8"x2" pavers sitting near where they'll be a patio once I finish the base work. At 4 pounds a piece that will be a sore weekend.
Just got back from the garden where I harvested another good batch of radishes. Looks like we'll be trying those radish "chips" this weekend @Tetters. I'll let everyone know how they turn out.

Also picked a good batch of strawberries and have almost enough for a batch of strawberry jam.
It seems early but I have been planting my garden to start coming in as the early birds wane. Kitchen gardens and other small efforts are too expensive if you compare them to the market moments when literally tons of fresh produce are offered up. They are at their best when they are producing opposite of the large planters and that is quite easily done in the small custom planting found in my garden. So today it was okra, 3 rows. In by 7am and then off to work.
Do you just plant those directly in the ground when the time comes and let the toilet paper roll tubes decompose or do you remove the plants/soil from the tubes?
I just plant them in the ground as they are, they might not rot down completely but it doesn't matter because the roots can go out of the bottom, the roots go through the sides easily. I just use them for the bedding plants and at the end it all goes in the compost bin where they will rot down.
I actually got out there today and pulled out some weeds. Just going to wait for Zigs to bring over a load of mulch chippings then to tip off. After the next rain they can go on. I shall have to take some photos soon to show you my flower gardens now we have some sunshine. Zigs will have to post my photos for me because I don't seem to be able to do them myself now with my chromebook. That bit was easier when I had windows.
I don't do much at a time these days. All the hospital business over the last two or three years slowed me down, but it is good getting back out there again. There's plenty to catch up on. 😊
Planted up 2 hanging baskets with trailing fuchsias, trailing geraniums and Erigeron.
Hubby did a lot of weeding, last year he had both hips replaced so he's getting into the swing of things.
You'll have to crack the whip, make him work a bit harder and tell him it's good for him.
Not much here - knocked out another 6+ hrs at work this morning to round out 55 hrs for the week so that kept me out of the garden for the most part.

Anyway, set the last fence post I need to finish the fence around my backyard and define the last side of my patio.
Came over to the garden to check things out between rains. Everything is looking good. We're about to be loaded in squash! 🤤

Also have a broccoli head forming so I suspect we'll have a broccoli head ready to harvest in the next few weeks. First time ever doing it so I'm pretty excited about that one.

Here's one of the squash plants. It's the one with the most veggies on it so far.

Despite other distractions, I'm pretty much up to date with the garden.
I'm pleased that this pink wisteria that I've trailed the full length of the side of the house from its root in the small bed the other side of the fence under the kitchen window. I stopped it getting any longer last year, it when it reached the corner of the house. It gets very little sun and the blossoms are always a bit "wimpy" but it does its best.


It's a never ending job for the moment, vaccing up fallen wisteria blossom in the back garden.
Today I'll be removing more unwanted growth on those on the two pergolas and those you can see on the one on the side wall. Plus more tying up of clematis.
Of course, whilst doing this, I'll give my two vinyl jukeboxes in our summer house a bit of use.

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