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What spring bulb are you going to plant this fall? 😁


New member
Quitman, Ga.
Ooouh I'm so excited !!
And I just can't hide it !!
I gotz me Spring bulb order and it came in a big heavy box from Tulip World !! 😄

I pre-ordered and got them dirt cheap !! $5.99 for 25 Ziva paperwhites, of which I bought 125. Here they come up every year, no dieing, no digging.

Then I got 25 Purple Sensation Allium, some Tete' A Tete Narcissus, and Quail miniature Daffs pictured below.
275 bulbs total !!
Can I dig it ? 😂😂😂

I can't do tulips and most normal Daffs or anything that needs a good dormant chill, but these bulbs varieties come up for decades here and you can see them growi g even on old abandoned farms and homesteads.

What are you getting for new spring bulbs?
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I can't grow any daffs in ground but the miniature narcissus like it here. If I grow regular daffs all I get is leaves. 😒

I thought Daffs would grow very well in the UK? Is it an issue with your soil condition? @Logan
It all depends on the soil and mine is clay, I've tried putting a lot of grit in the hole when planting but they only flower the first year and then nothing. I'd probably get away with the miniature ones but they'll get eaten by slugs and snails.
Try feeding them at the end of the growing season as they start to die back. I had problems with 'blind' daffs in a previous garden and a rose food helped. Don't be too keen to chop them down as soon as they finish flowering. The leaves should be allowed to die naturally as this is the time the bulbs store nutrients for the coming year.
Already have Daffodils and Tulips. Last Spring Tiger Lillies. Just planted reblooming Iris mix.

Wanting to get a Full Size Butterfly Bush. Just planted a Mr. Lincoln Red Tea Rose. Thinking of getting couple Christmas Ferns.

big rockpile