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Hi again. Thanks all for your inputs and sorry I've not been back in a while. My focus just shifted to other parts of our renovation as it got too hot to think about getting trees planted in the garden. Now looking to get it sorted for early Autumn.

The tree's I'm looking at getting are:

  • Privet hedge
  • Griselinia littoralis Hedge
  • Cupressus macrocarpa 'Goldcrest' (although seems out of stock where I was planning to buy from, so may have to switch)
  • Western Red Cedar hedge

These will form the layer in front of the wall. And then I'm looking to get the following for down the side of the garden where I want something to give a bit of privacy from neighbours, but doesn't need to grow very high:

  • Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin' hedge
  • Portuguese Laurel hedge

I'm looking at 2 litre pots and will follow the planting advice given above. I'm interested also in some of the more colourful options, but intend to get the plants in to start creating the barrier and then will consider more options to add colour once I focus more on the garden next year.

I'll post on progress when I get there.
