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Tomatoes Coming to an End

Green tomatoes contain toxic compounds, but they are generally safe to eat in small quantities:

  • Solanine: A natural poison found in all solanaceous crops, like potatoes. Solanine poisoning can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, drowsiness, and lethargy. A lethal dose is around 0.014 ounces.

  • Tomatine: Another toxic compound found in green tomatoes.

  • Atropine: Another compound found in green tomatoes.

I've had solanine poisoning before, it hurts like hell even if you take less than 0.014 ounces :eek:
Anyway, one whole box full of nice red/gold tomatoes now sit in the kitchen waiting for me to make puree out of them for quite a few more homemade pizzas. I daresay the second box will follow soon - they are in the tunnel waiting for the sun to come through again 😁
I must be immune or built up a tolerance for green tomato poison. Never had a reaction 🙂

I ignored my own advice and cut a small green bit off of a huge potato 🥶 It's not the green bit that's the problem, that's just chlorophyl. When the potato is exposed to sunlight it reacts by producing solanine throughout the tuber.

The condemned man ate a hearty meal and then spent the rest of the day on the bog clutching his stomach :eek:
Only to Europeans as far as I can tell. Why one would want to eat one probably lies in the bacon fat it is fried in, with or without seasoning or cornmealed batters. Same for eggplant except the Italians saved those dark beauties for me with their recipes. Ever watch Pasta Grammar on Yourube? Great show. Lotsa eggplant.

This may be true, we can't eat Bagels either :)