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Lovely plants [USER=55]@NigelJ[/USER] 😎

I think Tetters has got it, there's a monstrose subulata that's very slow growing. I've got a small one that's at least 6 years old and only about 6 inches tall, also inherited one that's much older but still only a few feet high.

The normal A. subulata is huge and grows a foot a year quite happily 😬

This "log" is a normal one on it's side, it was pruned the year before and all the shoots are new growth.


This is the "Monstrose" version, which can throw out reversions like the one above occasionally.


The other possiblity is that there's not enough nutrient in the pot for yours to grow to it's full size, my Brother has got one in a tiny pot that he never feeds and it's eaten itself to produce a new shoot 😬
