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Sweet cherries freezer amazingly. I suggest trying that and pulling them a few hours before you want the treat. Eat them when semi frozen. But I've always done that when the pit was still in them.

With tart cherries I am thinking I will pit and sugar them for the pie then freeze in a pie portion bag. I'm sure we'll use them within a few months but not this week. The cherries need to come off that tree soon though.

I grew up in commercial cherry growing area - the self proclamed "Cherry Capital of the World" - and worked pulling tarps that went under the tree shaker on a cherry farm for a few years. We would harvest 15 to 25 tanks of cherries a day 6 days a week. A tank was about a cubic yard. That was a small farm too. About 25% was sweet cherries and 75% tart cherries which went right to Sara Lee or other processors.
