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...a few photos at a time.

As all good gardens need a proper entrance gate, heres a photo of mine, along with the background to it. When I'm on my travels, I normally take photos of garden related things that onterest me. I first built this gate a few years ago, to my own design. Its a combination partially of a typical English Lych Gatr, as well as one I saw in Germany that was built by a "Wanderschaft." I'll explin more about these if asked. Its treated in a tradional Scandinavian way that hs been in uce for over a thousand years! Needless to say, being so old its eco friendly, and lasts! The weathervane on top, also made by me, depicts the regional birds of the area in which I live.


he inside the garden, to left and right of the gate are two identical borders. One of which is shown here...


To be continued after comments, if any!
