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Rose of Sharon

It is gorgeous as well as tough as old boots. Hibiscus syriacus ;)
It needs to be around here. That one survived a straight line wind that split it down to the ground I splinted it up with rebar in the ground and bound it together. Its been maybe 4 years and has recovered nicely. But I cannot get the rebar out. Might just cut it.
I lost a fovorite Fuyu persimmon in that same wind and have not had much luck with replacement but I only tried once and we had a record freeze when it was too young. They are grafted as I understand. Any tips for acidic clay fuyu would be appreciated. Nothing like picking up leaves in the fall and stopping by the Fuyu for a snack. Plus it could be called a halloween tree if you like that holiday since it has no leaves and only orange fruits at that time.
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It is gorgeous as well as tough as old boots. Hibiscus syriacus
Yeah I thought they were indestructible too - like it would be down to cockroaches, rose-of-sharons, and Keith Richards after an apocalypse - until I watched a fungus go though and kill all of them in my neighborhood one summer. I had one about 2 meters tall and full of flowers then it just started falling apart and the base was spongy and like a wet rotted wood.
We had Rose of Sharon at the Farm.

Guy that bought the place brush hoped it and my wife's flower beds right in front of us then went to work and bragged on it.

big rockpile
Yelp he mowed it down in front of my wife. He really hated us.

big rockpile
He bought our place because he said I was killing all the Deer and because I was building a house in the holler I was ruining hunting down there.

I was building down there because we lived on the ridge and it was like being on the head of a match during fire season.

After we left he took down the house, barn and fences.

big rockpile
Rocky the best thing to do is stop looking over your shoulder and just be glad you've got rid of him. He must be such a miserable sod. Keep smiling!
You know it didn't improve his Deer hunting.

One time I talked with him getting a Deer out. I was getting into my stand. Was pulling my rifle up. Looked a Buck was coming right to me. Didn't even untie my rifle shot the Deer it ran to the road and dropped.

He got mad at me driving my Jeep on the road and parked it 200 yards from my stand.

I kick myself for selling the place but the Lord blessed us with a great place.

big rockpile