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Regenerative Ranch


Well-known member
East Texas
Hardiness zone
We raise cows which produce a wonderful cow manure compost for our gardens as well as income and fish which provide sport, food, and garden fertilizer.

Yesterday on New Years Day relatives caught this 8 pound bass

new years 8.webp

and this 6 pound bass

new years bass.webp
Tilapia...what the bass and us don't eat end up in the garden.

You just throw the fish right into the garden? I'm assuming you chop them up first, or? I figured they would stink, and introduce bad bacteria? Also, what keeps animals from coming and eating them?
The neighbor turned her entire backyard into a feral/stray cat type of sanctuary. I have a terrible time keeping them from shitting in my garden as it is, Lord knows I don't need a fish-factor to consider. lol