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Photo Competition - January


New member
Kent, England
Next months subject is...


The rules are as follows:
  • Please submit your photo in this topic
  • No more than one submission per member
  • The photo must be your own (but not necessarily taken in your own garden)
  • Entries should be made no later than 20th January
  • A poll will be released on 21st January to select the winning photo, and voting will take place until the end of the month
  • In the event of a tie, the admin will cast the deciding vote
  • No discussion in this topic - you will have a chance to comment on the photos when the poll has been released
Lets see what you've got good people 🙂
IMG_1257 (1).webp
A little context:
This is Eve... She was born on Christmas Eve. Can't get more wintery than that! lol. She was rejected by her mother and left to die cause she was born unable to walk or see. Within three days we had her walking, seeing, and doing all of the chicken things like nothing was ever wrong. She is thriving now and ahead of her five siblings by at least a week developmentally. Truly our little Christmas Miracle of 2025.