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Making Leaf Mold


New member
Kent, England
As Mr Yan suggested, a few pics of what we do with our leaves.

We do have a few trees so every Autumn we collect them up. If they were left sitting on the grass we'd end up with dead patches, not ideal on a campsite.

We usually end up with about 9 dumpy bags full, which as they rot down we pile from bag to bag until we're left with one big bag. This can take a year and it's best to lob some water on them if it's been dry.


This bag is from the previous year, probably could do with sieving now (when I get a spare half a day)

DSC04758.webp DSC04759.webp

This is a bag from a few years ago that has been sieved, the bits that didn't go through the sieve ended up mulching the strawberries.



It's important to keep it covered after sieving, partly to stop it drying out, but mainly to stop all the bits that fall off the trees.
I can guarantee the quality of this leaf mould - it goes a long way to improving our home made compost, and the leaves were 'wasted' before Zigs turned up here and put them to good use. Before that they just got chopped up with the mower and left for the wind to blow them away :rolleyes: