Well hey there! The name’s Mike, and I’m from good ol’ north-central Texas. I work as the building manager for the county I live in. I’ve got a wife and two kiddos (both boys). The oldest is 23 and the youngest is 17. My youngest is the real reason we decided to start up our garden again. He’s got a real passion for growing things, and I reckon that’s rubbed off on me some.
When I’m not working or spending time with the family, I like to get my hands dirty in the garden, take care of the chickens, and dabble in a little woodworking.
I only just got back into gardening last year, after my daddy passed a few years ago. Before that, we’d only had a veggie garden for about two years. So, I’m still pretty green at this whole thing. In the past, we’d mostly stuck to the basics, but last year we expanded a little, but not much. This year we'll be looking to add quite a bit of new stuff, and probably change a lot of the way we did things last year. Last year we grew radishes (first time trying ‘em), pickling cucumbers, straight 8 cucumbers, yellow squash, okra, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and even broccoli and cauliflower (both first timers for us). We even threw in some late watermelon and cantaloupe. We struggled a bit with how to tell if a watermelon is ripe but maybe we'll have better luck this year.
I’m really excited to share my ever-growing gardening journey with y’all, and even more so, I can’t wait to see what all y’all are growing in your own gardens!
When I’m not working or spending time with the family, I like to get my hands dirty in the garden, take care of the chickens, and dabble in a little woodworking.
I only just got back into gardening last year, after my daddy passed a few years ago. Before that, we’d only had a veggie garden for about two years. So, I’m still pretty green at this whole thing. In the past, we’d mostly stuck to the basics, but last year we expanded a little, but not much. This year we'll be looking to add quite a bit of new stuff, and probably change a lot of the way we did things last year. Last year we grew radishes (first time trying ‘em), pickling cucumbers, straight 8 cucumbers, yellow squash, okra, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and even broccoli and cauliflower (both first timers for us). We even threw in some late watermelon and cantaloupe. We struggled a bit with how to tell if a watermelon is ripe but maybe we'll have better luck this year.
I’m really excited to share my ever-growing gardening journey with y’all, and even more so, I can’t wait to see what all y’all are growing in your own gardens!