Butterfly... The Gulf Fritillary


East Texas
Hardiness zone
The Gulf Fritillary is the most common butterfly to frequent Meadowlark Ranch, at least since I've been watching.

The Gulf fritillary or passion butterfly (Dione vanillae) is a bright orange butterfly most commonly found in the southern areas of the United States, specifically in many regions of Texas and Florida. The gulf fritillary is a medium-sized butterfly that has extended forewings and a wingspan range of 6.5 to 9.5 cm.

In my garden it really likes Lantana.

Gulf Fritillary.webp

Gulf fritillary, Agraulis vanillae (Linnaeus).webp

What Does a Gulf Fritillary Caterpillar Look Like?

The coloration on the caterpillar is similar to the adult butterfly.

The coloration on the caterpillar is similar to the adult butterfly.
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