Very cool
@DrCase and
@roadrunner !!
I can only copy/paste the ones common to me, no camera.

Carolina Wren. They are easily recognized and differentiated from Sparrows. They are fatter and they constantly twitch their tail up and down, up and down. I'm chasing them out of my potting shed spring and summer, as they love shelters for nest building. When I was on the farm with my good husband, they made a nest in my riding helmet under the pole barn twice a year. My husband insisted I have a helmet.
Well, gee, can't wear it, can't disturb the birdies, now can I ?

There are lots of very old, old, rotting and dead trees in my town, thus we have lots of these and other Woodpeckers tapping on the trees, the light poles, the lights on the light poles, on my metal roof !! etc.
You can't miss 'em, you hear them all the time.
Too many more to list: mockingbirds, vultures, crows, blackbirds, cardinals ( which they call "red birds" here in the South) Barred Owls you hear nightly, even had a wood duck with an orange bill in my tree, hawks big and small, etc.