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Best Potato Variety for zone 8/9 Growing Part 1: The Study


Well-known member
East Texas
Hardiness zone
Potato planting time is approaching and maybe you are wondering what variety to plant. I've grown potatoes for years but never really studied different varieties or compared them until a couple of years ago when I did a complete to me study of potato varieties.

I selected 13 different varieties to compare in my study and set about to answer the following questions:

Questions I hope to answer:

1) What's the best overall potato for my area
2) What's the best overall red potato for my area?
3) What's the best overall white potato for my area?
4) What's the best potato for container growing in my area?

The varieties, their maturity (Late, Middle M, or Early E), classification (white W, Red R, Gold G}, #eyes in each seed, weight of each seed, and planting dates were noted for Hügelkultur Containers (HK) and garden soil(gar)

TubTypematureclasseyes hkeyes garweight hkweight garplt date
1Sarpo MiraLR810118-Feb
2Huckleberry GoldMG331110-Feb
4Rose GoldMG661110-Feb
8Yukon GoldMG55118-Feb
9German BBLW55118-Feb
11Prairie BlushEG330.70.813-Feb
12Dark Red NorlandER660.80.812-Feb
13Red PontiacsER330.70.813-Fe

The results of the study including answers found to the original questions are included in Part 2.
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