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Alfalfa...the perfect soil builder


Well-known member
East Texas
Hardiness zone
I've used many different varieties of soil builders over the years but arguably the best all season soil builder I have found is Alfalfa. I use it in soils that need replenishment in a crop rotation. It grows year around but struggles here in hot humid summers. If you can't plant some seeds, you can still get some of the benefits by applying alfalfa meals, cubes, and hay. It is truly magic stuff for garden soils.

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To optimize benefits in a plot like the above, mowing it several times in "chop and drop" fashion simply enhances the soil building. It can be mowed with a lawn mower if it isn't left too long.

Take a look at the roots shown below which illustrate the incredible power this plant has to bring nutrients up through the soil.

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One doesn't have to have large areas either to capture the benefits of this magic plant. It very nicely can be used in strips and/or in containers to replenish soils.

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As an all-around multi-season soil builder, it has no peers in my book. However, I do like to till it under after no more than one year in the soil before the roots get too established.

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Just like your post about the peas, this is another crop that I could easily plant in my garden. Again, I didn't know these short crops were an option. May have to run a test in the ol' garden after this gardening season. I can plant peas in half and alfalfa in the other half and see which one makes the most nutrient-rich soil. Of course I'll have to get four test kits for this (two for each half), but it'll be worth it to know what works best in my little garden.

Can't put a price on being able to garden without fertilizer, in my opinion. Those test kits are probably cheaper than the fertilizer is!