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Recent content by roadrunner

  1. roadrunner

    Birds in your Garden

    Red-Shouldered Hawk
  2. 004.webp


  3. 08-18-2017.webp


  4. roadrunner

    Does Helpers Make You Lazy

    It's not about being lazy, rather it's about working the body -- the entire body. I often get into arguments with fellow cyclists about the importance of strength training, simply because cycling makes certain parts of the body strong, but ignores other parts of the body, which over time...
  5. roadrunner

    Seeds in Bags

    He's actually a Canadian...I know we all look and sound alike, but they are a different country....at least for now:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: This is his YT channel https://www.youtube.com/@Gardenfundamentals1
  6. roadrunner

    Pack The Soil?

    If a seedlings root gets caught up in a paper towel, that's not a problem, simply bury that section of paper with the seedling. However, it was not my intention to sell the idea of germinating seeds on paper towels to anyone. My only point was that the emphasis so many put on "packing soil" is...
  7. roadrunner

    Citrus Greening Disease

    You may hear me bash organically grow foods a lot, but don't take offense. I'm speaking specifically with respect towards foods grown Organically under the USDA program. Technically, I also grow organically, but I resist using that term, because of the connotation applied thanks to the Govt's...
  8. roadrunner

    Citrus Greening Disease

    Yeah, from what I gathered in the video he has not been doing regenerative farming that long, probably only 3-years. He said he does have an organic certification, but he does seem to mostly focus on Regenerative farming. In the US many Regenerative Farmers/Ranchers are NOT organically...
  9. roadrunner

    Purple GMO Tomato Seeds

    Anyone now can buy GMO Tomato seeds. This has been around for nearly a couple years, but this is the first in-depth discussion I've heard. BTW, I know tomatoes are botanically considered fruits, but since most people think of them mostly in the culinary use, I put it in the Vegetables forum.
  10. roadrunner


    That's why Florida gets so cold...Those NW winds from Canada. If it were not for those winds, we'd probably never get below 60 deg F (~15 c). It's all about the Jet Stream, when it gets down here, the cold front makes its way to Florida.
  11. roadrunner

    Citrus Greening Disease

    By chance I just happened across this video of a Regenerative Citrus grower, in Georgia. Very rare in the orchard business for regenerative growers; although, I believe that's slowly changing. At about the 4-minute point of the video they mention Permaculture Orchard, which is a...
  12. roadrunner

    Pack The Soil?

    Seeds can germinate on a wet paper napkin. Soil contact with the sprouting seedling is important, but in many cases way overstated.
  13. roadrunner


    Since doing away will all my grass and growing mostly for wildlife, I was surprised to see this Black Rat snake in my yard. Not too big, about 60cm, but they can eat a rat just the same as the much bigger one I took a picture of on the Appalachian Trail The first two pics from my yard and then...
  14. roadrunner

    Citrus Greening Disease

    This is a huge topic, so large I don't really know where to start and I also don't know how to make it short; so I'll just touch on the topic. Our farming methods in the 1870's were much different than today; however, the big, big change came shortly after WWII with the massive use in synthetic...
  15. roadrunner

    Citrus Greening Disease

    It started in Florida around 2005. Before that we produced about 300-million boxes of citrus, but have been declining since the introduction. In the 2022-2023 season we only produced about 20-million boxes, but some of that was also due to hurricanes. And it is spreading across the country and...