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Recent content by PlantFun

  1. PlantFun

    The Cactus Thread

    I live in southwestern USA where if you go for mexican food sometimes you will see "nopales" on the menu which is when they cook the tender new pads. It's a tasty ingredient that goes in tacos and such. Juice and jam is made from the fruits which are packed full of flavor but also seeds. Not...
  2. PlantFun

    The Cactus Thread

    Did you collect volcanic ash somewhere or is it something available to buy? Seems like an interresting medium. I imagine sciarid flies don't like it too much.
  3. PlantFun

    The Cactus Thread

    I've been buying some astrophytum recently and sometimes they have a hard time rooting and start to shrivel. Well I had enough and tried the so-called "water therapy" method to great success. I've found visible new roots within 2 days is pretty normal. I took a couple pictures of this...
  4. PlantFun

    The Cactus Thread

    Yes they have the green flowers that come out the sides not the top. I see wild ones growing locally here if I go for a climb up the mountains. Haven't caught the wild ones in bloom yet but always excited to find them.
  5. PlantFun

    Howdy 🙋‍♂️

    I'm glad I wasn't breaking any rules or anything 😅 Thanks Ziggy
  6. PlantFun

    Howdy 🙋‍♂️

    Thank you for the warm welcome everyone! I forgot I should probably post up my youtube channel here as well. I use it to document my plants and motivate myself. https://www.youtube.com/@PlantFun1
  7. PlantFun

    The Cactus Thread

    Started these hardy cacti as like a promise to myself that my wife and I would finally buy a house and I'd plant them in the ground. We got the house almost 2 years ago and this was their first winter outdoors. This spring I plan to plant some if not all of them in the front yard...
  8. PlantFun

    Howdy 🙋‍♂️

    Ziggy invited me here so I had to have a peek. I love all the naturey things especially plants and am currently back in a cactus phase since moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Nice to meet you all! Hope everyone's having a lovely day.