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Recent content by Palustris

  1. P

    Boasting time!

    There are marshes everywhere!. Sorry for your loss. My best friend died about 6 weeks ago and we were at his funeral on Tuesday. The thing about getting old is that one loses friends and family.
  2. P

    Boasting time!

    Thank-you. By the way we do not take royalties and Amazon set the price not us.
  3. P

    Boasting time!

    Did not realise my books were available in Texas. Awesome is the word. My grand daughters enjoyed it.
  4. P

    Chickens: Consistent Food and Fertilizer Source

    We had the rooster imbalance problem too. We ate them!
  5. P

    Yet another book

    https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DY7BQDK4 At our previous house we became friendly with the farmer neighbour. His son had multiple problems with Autism, ADHD(?) He collected model animals. He had every sort from aardvark to zebras. The problem was that he used to wander all over the farm and leave...
  6. P

    Palustris's garden in February.

    That's our Ben. Not visible but the Snowdrops were smothered in bees this morning.
  7. P

    Palustris's garden in February.

    Taken today in the fleeting sunshine.
  8. P

    Boasting time!

    Newest book out on Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DWMPRCQC/ I say newest, I actually wrote this story over 40 years ago, but never really did anything with it until now.
  9. P

    Just for a laugh

    If I was going to do anything with the piece then I would almost certainly work on it a lot more. But I ain't so I won't, Ta!
  10. P

    Just for a laugh

    I could put the rest of it up if people want to read it all. Saves having to go to Amazon and buy the book!
  11. P

    Just for a laugh

    This is the second chapter of one of my books. Lemmy is the hero and he has had a bang on the head. Chapter 1 just sets the scene. He opened the front door and peered out. The street that should have been there was definitely missing, as was the pavement. The concrete path that went along the...
  12. P

    Just for a laugh

    As I said, I did not think it was possible to sustain the ideas for any length of time, which is why this will be the final one. I did consider one for after a bout of re-decorating and possibly Valentine's Day, but no, a stretch too far. Constructive criticism is always welcome, by the way. No...
  13. P

    Just for a laugh

    See if this amuses you. We had a really good Christmas this year. Lots of my family came to stay, and we had a wonderful day, full of food, drink, games, and good company. Early on Boxing Day morning, suffering from the excesses of the previous day, I had to get up. My mouth was as dry as a...
  14. P

    Just for a laugh

    I have copyright on it as it has been posted on line in my name.
  15. P

    Just for a laugh

    This is the next one. More Oopsydiddlydandydees. I suppose in a way it is my own fault. I thought that we had cleared the Oopsydiddlydandydees from the house. The monster with the vacuum cleaner had been on the rampage and cleaned every inch and more of the whole house. Oopsydiddlydandydees...